There's poop in my tub.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Living in an apartment fucking blows sometimes, particularly when the plumbing in yer building shits out (no pun intended). Went to work and grabbed a bunch of stuff to do here in case I need to start vacating for flooding reasons. Now I can't even take a nice relaxing dump because there's already one in there and the terlit won't flush.

Mondays are stupid.
I went and bought myself a poopin' busket in case I have to, you know, poop and then slip away quietly in the night.
I think its awesome that they waited so long before they reported it...think it might have been to let the vice pres sober up?
I remember when I lived in PA there was a hunter who was completely shit faced...he crawled up to the crest of a ridge and down below he could make out half a dozen bambis, and so he opened fire.

turned out it was a petting zoo.

apparently this is the kind of macho hunting cheney does; specially ranch-bred birds are released for rich assholes to shoot.
I quite enjoyed it! It's broken up into 3 books/sections and while the second one drags on a bit too long, it's still really good. What I liked best was the political nature of it combined with the whole mysticism of the Muad Dib.
when I go camping I nail a big stick to two trees and use that for a seat. If there are no convenient branches I hammer another nail into the tree for a shitwad holder.