After a good week of letting Comstar's Pure Lye settle in my lavatory basin. The sink is lost, everything is lost. The black one has fallen from the pipes, and the tub in ruins lye.
I took a gander down my drain opening earlier this All Hallow's Eve, expecting to see some murky waters. To my dismay, and my delight, I could see all the way down to the tip of my P-Trap, where the sodium hydr0xide was battling chin leavins from many a Summer's shave. I was elated, as I recently purchased a channel lock to remove that son of a beach and clear it out by hand. Surely evaporation doesn't act that quickly, we're making some head way here. I tested this notion by cranking the agua caliente, until I heard a "caca"phony resonate off the tub's walls. To my left emerging from the lagoon six miles south of Saint Lou erupted a dark gloop of sewer marrow. I nearly shat my Tommy Hilfilger underoos that holds my premature package in place, but to my certain relief, the gloop stopped there. A few minutes of clean up later, and both drains were flowing as smooth as Lord Red Dragon outside of a pre-school.