There's poop in my tub.

When I go camping I cop a squat wherever I am when the need arises.

I couldn't do the baggy thing because the morning's shitwater was up to the brim, zero room for anything else. But the water is fine now, I was able to flush my terlit and clean my shower and go back to work. Hooray!
Who was it that was telling us stories once about shitting out of trees on passersby? I think it happened at a paintball excursion?

Also, did I dream this up, or did we once have a thread where some dude posted a story about having to walk home past some ravens or crows or was cool / funny....was it the same thread as the paintball shitting story?

Man, my brain is mush.

Help me Obi Wan, you're my only pope.
were you talking about me when I dropped a loaf near my friends from a tree while camping?

and the ravens/crows thing... possibly talking about how several thousand crows swarm my school just before dark every single fucking day?
Dude -- both of those stories were from you? Did you have a different UM name then or something? Those stories were so cool (although nobody beat my "dumping on top of Mt Sinai" escapade). :loco:

Can you dig out the thread with the crows? Man, if I remember right, that thread was very cool, lots of good stories in it.
This haar toilet in the apartment has a hole tighter than a virgin's plum. Took a shat a couple months back which wouldn't go down. After prodding it with the end of a broken hand rail, I attempted a second flush, and watch as shit nuggets fell over the side like barrels over Niagara. Ooooof
Drummer I've been in a few projects with, he bought a house a few years back. First time I went over to jam with him after I hadn't seen the guy in a year or so, and I blew up his toilet. My shit was all over the place, I thought the second flush would cure the first fail, but nay, it just erupted at that point. It was really god damn gross, but I felt obligated to clean it up, and felt really bad about eating that quantity of Thai food earlier in the day.

Best part is that our old rehearsal space from the previous band was called Poop Alley because bums would poop on our door on a regular basis. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.
No poop this time around, but I do got a sink plugged harder than Chanel Preston in a Reality Kings relase. I'm at fault, as I carelessly poured some lye pellets down the hole and allowed too many minutes to elapse before dousing the entry with boiling agua. What was a slow moving drain has now become completely obstructed, and continues to be as such, even after two subsequent douchings with a lye based de-clogging agent called "Aunt Ethel's Hair and Grease Remover." I got more Pure Lye en route via Amazon Prime, but if that too fails, I'll have no other recourse than calling Pablo el Plumero. I've spoken to this dude one other time, and the dude just replied with "Que? No Hablo Ingles."
After a good week of letting Comstar's Pure Lye settle in my lavatory basin. The sink is lost, everything is lost. The black one has fallen from the pipes, and the tub in ruins lye.

I took a gander down my drain opening earlier this All Hallow's Eve, expecting to see some murky waters. To my dismay, and my delight, I could see all the way down to the tip of my P-Trap, where the sodium hydr0xide was battling chin leavins from many a Summer's shave. I was elated, as I recently purchased a channel lock to remove that son of a beach and clear it out by hand. Surely evaporation doesn't act that quickly, we're making some head way here. I tested this notion by cranking the agua caliente, until I heard a "caca"phony resonate off the tub's walls. To my left emerging from the lagoon six miles south of Saint Lou erupted a dark gloop of sewer marrow. I nearly shat my Tommy Hilfilger underoos that holds my premature package in place, but to my certain relief, the gloop stopped there. A few minutes of clean up later, and both drains were flowing as smooth as Lord Red Dragon outside of a pre-school.
My kitchen sink is now stopped up to high MogaDishu. Currently got a lye bath sitting in that cess to unclog it. Fuck yea, science! Fuck No shitty apartment that is sub-standard to what ye get off of Section 8. Spent a better part of an hour bailing water from the sink and pouring the gravy on a poor unsuspecting brush. Basin's as rancid as a St. Lou morning dew. :eek:

Stay Tuned!
I spent last Saturday doing this. I have two back to back bathrooms with connected drainage. While I had the pipes off in my bathroom, my 3 year old went into the other one and turned on the sink. Putrid pipe sludge blasted out of my end and flooded my bathroom. I literally cried.

Oh, and I still didn't clear out the clog.
Buy some pure lye off of amazon for $8 bro. It may take a few days for it to clear up if it's a real bad clog, but them pipes will be virginal thereafter. [ame][/ame]
In my anger I poured a gallon of Professional Strength Draino into each sink. Nothing happened.
Two hours later they both drained. Mission accomplished.
I use hydrogen peroxide and then bleach + hot water. Seems to work and shouldn't be eating through my pipes!
Kitchen sink finally drained after a week of being internally throttled by lye. Gave it a quick douching, threw so more lye up in there, and it's stopped up again.

I Hate this shithole. Nad, I'm moving in.