Theresa Heinz Kerry's stomach is apparently more important than the Russian Massacre


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
CNN World Headline News (on the hour, every hour)

1st Headline: Hurricane over Florida. Disaster, flood, people losing homes...ok worthy headliner perhaps.

2nd Headline: Theresa Kerry had a stomach complaint whilst rallying for her husband, John Kerry, in Iowa today. She went to the hospital to undergo some tests, and was released immediately since they found nothing wrong. (That is, she had a mild case of the squits.)

EDIT: Insert commercial break.

3rd Headline: 300 women and children slaughtered by Chechen rebels in Russia. Putin addresses nation. Takes this assault as an act of war.

I swear to goat this is exactly how CNN have been broadcasting today....

Fuck CNN and their version of "world news".
"In a tragic turn of events, thousands today were killed in Kuala... Kualalum.... France!"
Koala Lumpy. Today in Malaysia's capital of Beijing, a lumpy koala bear was discovered up a banana tree reading the Wall St journal. Upon closer inspection, they realized it was an American tourist hiding from all the slanty eyed coloured folk.
And CNN is supposed to be the most credible major news network (having Fox as competition certainly makes them look better)...but the lack of emphasis upon world events is indicative of just about all mainstream media in the US, international news that doesn't directly affect Americans gets buried in favor of day 232 of the year's juiciest irrelevant scandal...
In all fairness though, the Russian Massacre was the headlining story all last week, up until yesterday.
It didn't actually turn into a massacre until yesterday though.

To be honest, that CNN thing doesn't surprise me in the least. The Russians are tryting to play up Al-Qaeda involvement...I wonder how interested America would be if it was entirely Al-Qaeda as opposed to entirely Chechen.
Every since the whole thing in Russia started, I've been depressed. What kind of sick bastards would shoot kids in the back as they run away? This almost makes me want to believe in hell/punishment because the deaths the rebels recieved did not even come close to doing justice.

Erik said:
their people is being murdered by Russia and the whole fucking western world is cheering it on.
I followed this situation pretty closely back in '99 for a spell, it's pretty sick what Russia has done to Chechnya since then. What is the worst is that the US didn't give two shits about what was happening (I read all this in the LA Times, but anything not on their frontpage would never make the nightly news), until the word TERRORISM came up which is what Putin started calling them post-9/11. Before this the US stance was more of a "Russia, for now we'll leave you alone, but don't make the headlines with this or we'll have to say you're doing bad things..."

I truly hate that fucking word now. As soon as the average American hears the word "terrorist" they immediately boo and hiss and it's disgusting. That's how we're able to make Russia and Israel look like the good guy, because they are fighting those nasty bad terrorists. This is the biggest change I've seen since 9/11 honestly.
Putin is a smart man no doubt. Almost as smart as he is wicked.
Erik said:
...but if ever the little guy (Al-Qaeda, Palestinians, Chechnyans) would happen to be a friend of the US they would obviously be oppressed freedom fighters instead, not terrorists.
But of course! I remember one of the fundamental statements when I started my political science program in college was "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." It's really a shame that people think there are good guys and bad guys in world politics, but I guess (with America at least) it's just like cowboys and indians. Damn savages.

I just read about Russia's acting concerning this whole event... Apparently five or six related journalists have been jailed and noone's really sure why, the government initially lied about the number of deaths (350 they said, 1200 is the real number which they've been forced to acknowledge now) and as far as Putin and friends are concerned, the terrorists brought forth no demands. That's right, they honestly want the population to believe that they did this just because they're evil evil terrorists who like to kill children. In reality, a list of demands was sent to the government, including sovereignity for Chechnya and release of Chechnyan political prisoners.

I like how Russia said there were 10 Arab terrorists in the school but had to change that today.
Erik said:

I just read about Russia's acting concerning this whole event... Apparently five or six related journalists have been jailed and noone's really sure why, the government initially lied about the number of deaths (350 they said, 1200 is the real number which they've been forced to acknowledge now) and as far as Putin and friends are concerned, the terrorists brought forth no demands. That's right, they honestly want the population to believe that they did this just because they're evil evil terrorists who like to kill children. In reality, a list of demands was sent to the government, including sovereignity for Chechnya and release of Chechnyan political prisoners.

lying to people > killing hundreds of children

I don't give a FUCK what these Chechnyan pieces of SHIT were fighting for, what they did automatically discredits them in every way. I'm not saying Russia are perfectly innocent in this thing, especially in how it was handled, but don't be going around spouting shit about how the Chechnyans are just poor, desperate folk who are just railing against government oppressors. Freedom fighter or terrorist, it doesn't matter to me: what they did is unacceptable no matter how you look at it and any ideological factors become exactly what ideological factors should be... JACK SHIT. Then again it's not surprising that some people overlook this sort of thing simply because it is a political discrepency and thus makes it okay to do this sort of thing. Fuck Chechnya and ANYONE who supports this sort of PUSSY killing of innocents.

Fuck the Vikings, while we're at it. And Israelis. And Palestinians. And Afghanis. And Americans... whoops!