Theresa Heinz Kerry's stomach is apparently more important than the Russian Massacre

lying to people > killing hundreds of children
Suppose Russia is still worse then, because they're doing both. :) Only they have the big guns and the backing of your beloved leader so they're not evil evil terrorists.
Black Winter Day said:
lying to people > killing hundreds of children

I don't give a FUCK what these Chechnyan pieces of SHIT were fighting for, what they did automatically discredits them in every way. I'm not saying Russia are perfectly innocent in this thing, especially in how it was handled, but don't be going around spouting shit about how the Chechnyans are just poor, desperate folk who are just railing against government oppressors. Freedom fighter or terrorist, it doesn't matter to me: what they did is unacceptable no matter how you look at it and any ideological factors become exactly what ideological factors should be... JACK SHIT. Then again it's not surprising that some people overlook this sort of thing simply because it is a political discrepency and thus makes it okay to do this sort of thing. Fuck Chechnya and ANYONE who supports this sort of PUSSY killing of innocents.

Fuck the Vikings, while we're at it. And Israelis. And Palestinians. And Afghanis. And Americans... whoops!
Especially Americans. Indians anyone?
Erik said:
as far as Putin and friends are concerned, the terrorists brought forth no demands. That's right, they honestly want the population to believe that they did this just because they're evil evil terrorists who like to kill children. In reality, a list of demands was sent to the government, including sovereignity for Chechnya and release of Chechnyan political prisoners.
:confused: Eh? That's no secret. That was all over the news before the kids got killed. The night before the massacre hit the news I was down the pub with my mates telling them about my solution which I this thread, was it?
I really don't think you can compare the 1800s to the 2000s. sure, there's still some colonial mentality and the US is as guilty of this as the russians, we just call it different names. If Geronimo was alive today, he'd be an "insurgent" or a "terrorist." What happened to the american indians was a tragedy (and some would say still is, although whoever came up with the sovereign reservations getting casinos deserves bonus points for karma), but given european/white american attitudes at the time, quite typical.

human history has never been devoid of one tribe eliminating another.