

Shreddy McFuntits
Aug 9, 2008
Melbourne, Australia.
Anyone here a fan of this band?
I've only really just discovered this band, in the last month and a half I've got Gothic Kabbalah, Sirius B and just the other day the Live Gothic DVD. I have to say this group is amazing, great musicianship, great compositions, I love the bombast of it all. I think the idea of this band is similar to Ayreon, only I find the content slightly less nerdy and the music is a bit more metal which suits my taste fine.

I'm loving Gothic Kabbalah right now, I think TOF - The Trinity gives Symphony X a run for their money in bombastic prog power metal, and Trul is one of the most epic things I have ever heard with some of the greatest vocal arrangements I have ever heard. I havn't really given Sirius B any time to sink in yet but I'm sure it will be rewarding when I do and their live dvd is just incredible.

I don't really know anything about their earlier works, anyone want to shed some light/give some recomendations etc?
Vovin. Pretty sweet album. I hear Theli is really good too. If you like old school death metal, you can't go wrong with their first album (first three albums are death metal, increasingly more intricate n'at).
Im not a huge fan either, but that was a great cover of black funeral, didn't think id hear anyone do such a good king diamond as that.
Yeah I've been told that Theli is definately an album to check out, I'll pick it up if I can find it anywhere. I know a store near me has 1 copy of Vovin so I might grab that tomorrow after Uni.

As for the Live Gothic dvd, wow. I sparked one up yesterday and then watched it from beginning to end. That live set is waaaay to intensely epic.
Picked up Vovin, liking it so far, not as much as GK but so far I like it alot more than Sirius B. I don't know if there was a mistake in the packaging of my copy but there's no credits anywhere in the booklet. All the lyrics are there, but no credits, list of performers or thankyou's to be found.
Sirius B is fucking nice, I love Therion. But I can't say they ever reminded me of Ayreon very much....and isn't EVERY band at least slightly less nerdy than them? :lol:
Theli, Voivon, Deggial, Crowning of Atlantas, all worth getting.

Oh, Live in Midgard - To Mega Therion is awesome. That song/version is a must hear.
If you look at their catalog theli thru GK are all great and memorable. The albums before it are good too but very different. Of darkness, Beyond Sanctorum, and Symphony Masses are death metal. Lepaca Kliffoth is a heavy metal album.
I didn't know this band before I read this thread and I wanna thank you all because now I love this band! Awesome stuff... :D