They Came Bearing Arms- My first "metal mix"


Like a boss
Aug 11, 2009
Louisville, KY
This is the project I've been working on. This is the first of 5 tracks. I mixed in 1 big session (loved it btw, except I tracked separately so it was kind of a bitch to get it all in there.) I mixed it in a friends studio (treated room with 8" Mackie's) so it was nice, but I wasn't used to it.

I'd like mix critiques. I did a quick ozone mastering job. I already know a few things I'd like to change.

Thanks y'all.

-Zack Mantrust.mp3

There's a 5 second gap before it plays and a weird noise too, ignore that please!
Sounds good! Except the snare is not great, you need something with a lot more attack and thud and less buzz. Also the kick and snare could come up, but other than that, great!
I wasn't too thrilled about the snare after the mastering plug so I threw some t racks clipper on it and it created that weird resonance. Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to bring the low bass down a little and make more room for the kick as well. Maybe side chain it. I didn't use parallel compression on the kit, but I may do that as well.
The song itself reminds of the stillrise song that was posted a couple years ago as a mix practice... until the vocals come in...

Everything is overly bright... kick, snare, vocals... probably guitar but its kinda pushed back... the guitar is a bit fizzy/over-gained(maybe)...
I need to re-reference this on my monitors. I unfortunately only had access to good cans for the revisions. They are kinda dark so I guess I over compensated. I can probably tame all of this on the master bus settings.
I need to re-reference this on my monitors. I unfortunately only had access to good cans for the revisions. They are kinda dark so I guess I over compensated. I can probably tame all of this on the master bus settings.

Unless you made it brighter on the master, I would go back to the individual instruments and bring down the highs where they need it...