Wow, Im proud of you Jeff, you hate America most of all on this board! You win! I knew Keyser was the premier Blame America Firster on this board, but you have taken the cake. I sure wish I had some Chomsky files too so I could sit around and convince myself that my country sucks too, must be real fun, Jeff. *snickers* Sucks to be you i bet.
Truth of the matter is, someone has to actually enforce all the bullshit resolutions that are passed by international orgs you love, like the UN. Everyone wants to sit around and pass resolutions and puff up their chests, but noone up to this point but Dubya is willing to enforce them. Also, all you knuckleheads seem to forget that Clinton made many practically identical speeches about WMD's as Bush did. In fact, he even attacked. Look it up! If Bush lied about Iraq WMD's, so did the UN, and so did Clinton for a decade. You people try to advance the notion that Bush just suddenly made all this WMD stuff about poor wittle innocent Saddam.
Here, Ill do some legwork for you-
Statement of Clinton on the past and future Iraq threat-
Clinton: Iraq has "abused its last chance", Slick Willy even attacked.
And there is alot more! Look up statements by Germany, by Canada, by the UN itself about what a terrible danger Hussein was, all thru the 90's. Seems everyone was in on the Halliburton Plan, huh?
This notion that "we will just make them more angry" in regards to terrorists and the middle east in general is so utterly juvenile, and completely ignorant of the history of world conflict. In fact, even recent history. These people we are at war with, and the terrorists, do not see "understanding" and offering our throats up in a show of trust as a virtue. It is a weakness to be exploited. Think not? Saudi Arabia told our troops to leave, remember? Trying to appease those wacky terrorists they want nothing to do with us.. then they get nailed by terrorists. Remember Turkey denying us access from their countries' border? They announced they didnt want anything to do with the USA, thinking the bad guys will leave them alone for it. Their reward? 2 huge terrorist strikes claimed by Al Quaida, remember those recently? Some reward! When the UN said they "werent with the United States" in Baghdad, and didnt want the US military around their little base, they got fucking hit by terrorists. They understand one thing alone, fear. And saying that you are not in league with the biggest kid on the block doesnt win you favors, it means youre an easy target. That might actually take you giving your country and President the benefit of the doubt tho, and we just cant do that can we.
Again, Bush was merely enforcing UN resolutions that had been laughed at until he took office. Im sorry, you idiots in the Hate/Blame/Supect America First crowd are willing to give someone like Hussein the benefit of the doubt over the president of your country, it's fucking sad. It really is. I hope the people you DO want to be elected never do. And as it looks now, with your heroes like Howard Dean being laughed off the fucking tv, Im confident that we will at least have a Republican in office for quite some time. Must suck to be on the kook fringe, probably really rough for you now that the economy is roaring back, and we got Saddam too. Youll probably be real depressed if the USA gets Osama, or doesnt get attacked again. As it stands now, I think the count is up to about 400,000 Iraqi people in those mass graves with their hands tied behind their backs, and bullets in their heads. But you heroic human rights championers want to just turn a blind eye to that. Bush is the real evil one here.You people are polemic, backwards, suicidal idiots. I just thank God that your heroes like that abject idiot Chomsky are not in charge of the security of my nation.
Just on a domestic politics note, Im just overjoyed that Republicans have taken now most governorships, even California! House, Senate, everything, and the Left is facing huge losses in 2004. Big time. Think youre depressed now? Think Bush being re-elected is going to suck? Wait til after the 2004 congressional elections, those evil right wing judges are going to sail thru a filibuster-proof Senate as more idiot lefties get tossed out of office on their asses. Being on the Left is about to get really really depressing, and Im going to love every fucking second of it. Prepare to be relegated to the minority party for a decade. You and your heroes can sit around and bitch and moan all you want, but the real adults are going to be the ones in charge, calling the shots.
PS-Just to make you feel a little better, I will partly agree with you about something. For some reason, you people do not seem to think that oil is a necessary commodity to us, or the free world for that matter. You seem to have no problem with the idea someone like Saddam gaining WMD's, and holding them over everyone's head while he rolls over Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc, and takes control of a good deal of the planet's energy source. Yes, Kuwait was defended, and Iraq was attacked also in part to keep the free flow of oil at market prices for the West. Good, im glad for it. I dont know about you, but I like oil, and I dont have a real problem at all with the source of it being protected. Youd be all against oil til about the time gas hits 20.00 a gallon.