"They Will Return" Song Survivor - Round 6

Vote for your LEAST FAVORITE track!

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This is a really fucking hard decision. These songs are all fucking orgasmic, but some are a little less orgasmic than the rest so The Blind Leader it is.
I hate myself now...:mad:
Gah, the first really difficult vote for me... But my vote goes to The Blind Leader. Now I have to listen to it over and over again to make sure it doesn't feel too bad. :cry: (Or maybe it's me feeling bad)
Meehhh!! It's too hard lol

I think it's going to have to be enee meany miny mo, excluding Swamphell:p

Edit: The Blind Leader lost
xshadowsoulsx said:
I really don't want to vote anymore, its way to difficult, but i had to go with The Blind Leader

Same here...

Next I think i'll vote for They Will Return. THEN OMG, i think i'll have to vote for HollowHeart, but i don't know yet... :waah:
xMetal_RockerX said:
wtffffff, the blind leader is awesome. its only got the longest and best solo kalmah has

i hate you guys = (

Uh, I thought I'm alone in this one:)

The Blind Leader imo is an elite song in Kalmah's book:P (anyways it gets to me more than swamphell or hollow heart, tho their good also, just not for me _as much_ as TBL or TWR)
