They're Back!!!

Hallowed be my name

Hopeless Groupie
Oct 16, 2007
El Segundo, Ca.
Hope you girls had a great time and hope everyone is healthy and none the worse for wear.

So let's have some stories/photos, Ladies...(after you all get a couple days of sleep of course:lol:)

Glad to have you back home safe!:Smokin:

YES! A big welcome home to you all! Can't tell you all enough times that I am so proud of you all for taking the time to do this. It REALLY means ALOT to all out here away from home. Look forward to some stories and pix! Duane, DuckJr, Ludabrada, etc. can all tell you a little blood when you blow your nose is normal after breathing the dirt and should go away!
Also your entourage of folks out here with you!

I could be selfish and begin to whine and cry about how things just aren't the same out here anymore, and there's no good music now, and I was forced to listen to some `kinda' 3-piece wanna-be jazz ensemble near my area a couple nights ago while I was walking back from the DFAC, and that I don't think it's real cheese in the enchilada's here and get upset because they don't have real milk and the Mountain Dew I get here isn't the same as in the states and then begin to wonder why I am not supposed to brush my teeth with the water in the sinks but I can wash my face in it and begin to dwell on the fact that no-one seems to make a small 15W amp that is both 120 and 240 volts so I have to carry around a 5lb transformer also, or why AAFES charges so much for so many items and our enlisted folks make so little but are forced to buy from this `company store', or why after 46 years I still need to shave, but there are portions on my scalp that don't require that assistance, and then get angry because I am wondering why I even care about real milk because I don't really drink milk, unless it's chocolate milk.. And Wait! They don't even have chocolate milk here... :erk::erk:


I guess there could be many things I could complain about.. But I won't... :loco:

I guess it was just nice have your all out here for a little while...


Seriously. The people that have significance to me in my life, even if it's perceived in my own little mind, I would rather have them back in the real world. Not out here...

Cheers to everyone and have a great weekend!:headbang::kickass:
I ...get upset because...the Mountain Dew I get here isn't the same as in the states

I'm guessing that could only be an improvement.

When Homer was offered Mountain Dew or Crab Juice in the 9th season episode "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson" he said "Eww! I'll take the crab juice."
We are back indeed! THANK YOU for the warm reception home! We have soooo many stories to tell and new friends made. It feels impossible to get caught up on sleep here though (we had a 50 hour travel session to get home) so once we are all caught up on our sleep I am sure we will be hitting the boards again! It was an experience of a lifetime out there and you could never put a price tag on the wonderful people of our Armed Forces and what they do for us and what we have learned and been through with and for them on our journey to the Middle East. Each of our lives have been forever changed by the courage, spirit and joy we felt from the soldiers we met and performed for - it was PRICELESS!!!!! It is good to be back home and we look forward to catching up with you all soon!! Again, a sincere thank you for the welcome back. There is no place like home. :)