things i found this weekend

preppy twisting my arm to do yoga:

dude seriously. also, i once read about this yogi who had total control over the muscles of his body so that he could sit in a bath and use the muscles of his butt to draw water up into his body, making the water level lower. and giving himself an enema.
alex, that's gross too. i think taking ayurvedic technique and yoga technique that far is an abbhoration and a total waste of life/time. that's so gross.
i mean, what is that some sort of proof that he's worked really hard to suck water up his butt? that's so weird. i cannot fathom it.
heeh well all that stuff i think is cool because it shows an ability to achieve human control over every aspect of the body. like being able to make your heart beat along to a song just by thinking about it. the individual things aren't as cool as the TOTAL MASTERY they imply.