car questions


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
ok so i checked my coolant level this morning and as was previously thought, it was dreadfully low. now this begs the question of:

Is there a specific kind of coolant i need to get?

the kind i saw in there looked red to me or brownish.


Do I need to add water to the coolant and how much?

How much do I fill the coolant tank up to?

Do I need to drain the remaining fluid out first?

Should I just take it to the Jiffy Lube down the street?

And if the coolant is helping the engine to not overheat anymore, and there are no leaks that I can see, what should I do if the "check engine" light is still on?

i am a novice with these types of things.
I only learn car stuff when something goes horribly wrong :(

but: I would say, especially if you don't know the last time the radiator was flushed and refilled (half coolant, half water) that you go ahead and have that done and then start up the engine and see 1) if the light comes back on and 2) is there a leak of coolant under the engine. if you've got a leak, then you can buy some sealant that is poured into the radiator which will plug minor leaks.

if the car begins to overheat and there ISN'T a leak, then its probably the thermostat. What kind of car is it?
You fill the tank up to the line it says is the max, it should be there on the side.

You need water and antifreeze, any coolant should do the trick.

50/50 ratio is good. Don't fill it up to the max and go ask at any corner gas station with a garage to check the ratio for you, it should be free. or you can buy this :


Which should cost you 10$ at most to check it.

Don't flush what's in there. If you want to do that, then its a professional's job to flush everything and check the radiator, I doon't think you need that now.
never owned a mazda. what year? do you have a maintenance manual for it?

I've never owned a mazda.

Mindspell, I mentioned flushing because if Greg doesn't know when the fluid was last replaced, the fact that it is brown makes me think it may be old. coolant breaks down after a few years, right? does that tester test the efficacy of the coolant?
I don't think the check engine light is something you should worry about. Almost everyone I know drives around with theirs permanently on and their mechanics say "don't worry about it". I heard recently that a lot of engine lights actually have to be shut off manually by the manufacturer or mechanic even if the problem is fixed, and no one ever does, so they stay on.
Hey dude, the mixing instructions should be on the bottle of anti-freeze, the color is just something companies do to distinguish themselves, the real chemical would be clear as water and if it weren't so poisonous, it would be delicious, clean up any spills because unlike you pumpkin can't distinguish car fluids from delicious beverages.
The brown color makes me think it is just a mix of different coolants in there. Coolant do break down but it takes more than a couple of years. The tester does check for the right amount of coolant vs water so if the coolant is not any good anymore, it will show in the proportions.