Should people stick to their own kind?

I just watched a barely interesting program about jails today. Seems the prison population has doubled in the past 10 years....... YIKES. Gee I wonder if this has anything to do with immigration, specific population explosions in the US and/or lack of addressing the job issues in the country for decades. NAW, that couldnt be part of it.

Anyhow in jail everybody sticks to their own kind and even then its hard not to get through without getting stabbed.
without the minority laws
you'd create a situation where any "minority" would end up feeling superior to the majority
this is already happening to a certain extent, with the Malcolm X worshipping blacks and the "hecho en Mexico" tattoos appearing on the necks of those that insistantly refuse to learn english because they feel that speaking english "takes away" their "cultural identity"

I don't seem to follow how not having these minority laws would make minorites feel superior. If anything, it seems that not having these laws would make them feel inferior. Not having a job and feeling left out normally makes people feel inferior.

I think what you are describing has nothing to do with quotas to fill for miniroties but is only about "cultural identitites", like you said. That is not what I was referring to anyway.
I don't seem to follow how not having these minority laws would make minorites feel superior. If anything, it seems that not having these laws would make them feel inferior. Not having a job and feeling left out normally makes people feel inferior.

I think what you are describing has nothing to do with quotas to fill for miniroties but is only about "cultural identitites", like you said. That is not what I was referring to anyway.

To heck with what they 'feel', if it dents the bottom lines of businesses and distorts the labour market, it must not come to pass. Cultural identity is one thing, the free market is another.
Fenrisúlfr;7537700 said:
To heck with what they 'feel', if it dents the bottom lines of businesses and distorts the labour market, it must not come to pass. Cultural identity is one thing, the free market is another.

Now that I understand. What you said earlier made no sense. Thanks for clearing that up.
This is because freedom of the contract is implicit from the rights to liberty and property, but there is no requirement that others must make one 'feel good'.
Nonsense. I have no obligation not to offend anyone, much less coddle or otherwise pander their pathetic sensibilities. Offence is an invariable side effect of free speech.
Very interesting comments so far.

I guess for some, it is a bit of a culture shock to meet new races in the begining which could be said for me. I lived within my culture for 15 years and finally left my home country to meet new peoples only to be shocked or traumatized. Maybe some people were right in saying in that I should'nt put much stress into this all, really. I mean we're all the same, right?
Given that philosophical concepts are not concrete, it follows that one must conceive of such things. They conceived of Natural Rights philosophy the same way Aristotle et. al. conceived syllogism in logic.
And the same way I conceive that you owe me $50. Whether we accept such ideas depends on their usefulness to us. To posit them as greater than ideas, as absolutes, is to lose their connection with usefulness and consign them to the realm of stagnant tradition.
Their validity lie in the method of which they were conceived i.e. logic, dialectic, &c.

For instance, you say I owe you $50, the logical response would be 'why'.

As for their positions as absolutes, I file them under 'common sense' as the prevailing culture in the West had already classified them as such, or at the very least desirable. As an analogy, in calculus, one does not have to show work if it is mere addition, or even in the advanced levels, a known derivative. To iterate through the reasoning behind the most basic of rights each time would be tedious, though it now appears to be necessary...
logic and dialectic cannot lend any absolute validity in values, they can merely demonstrate utility and consistency in line with certain pre-existing, lower level values. There is not and never will be any 'objective truth' to value, it is a social construct.

The analogy you draw to mathematics is undeserved - where the majority of the developed world accept the foundations of mathematics as useful, Locke and Hobbes ideas, although apparently nearing fanatical appeal for you, have not such a strong grasp on society at large.
:lol: freedom of speach a natural right? so is the fattening of ones lips that has not learned to curb the use of their tongue. However, as usual modern law has favored the weak and cocky and condemns those that give them their worth in return, point blank. I own more intelligent tools and yes indeed they are also useful.......
Fenrisúlfr;7538348 said:
This is because freedom of the contract is implicit from the rights to liberty and property, but there is no requirement that others must make one 'feel good'.

if you're a CEO of a buisiness, go do the things that make you the most money and screw the minority laws