Should people stick to their own kind?

Im a nationalist and radical. I have never takin anything from anyone. That post is another of your big crocks of BS. There is one I'd like to see you back up... you could never have walked a mile. Too busy reading books no doubt.

Hiding behind the ugly picture painted by calling someone a "commie" proves it.
I never "took" anything from anyone either that was not voluntary. Thus, there was no theft. If someone wishes to sell me an ounce of gold at $650, and I accede, it is our business. Likewise if I turn around and sell it at a higher price to a willing buyer.

As for government protecting us, markets operate in spite of, not because of, government meddling in their affairs. They tax, regulate, manipulate, and obfuscate ad absurdum; it is the reason so much business is moving from New York and Chicago to London and Dubai.

By the way, the largest COMEX is no longer in the US, it is in Dalian, China, not far from Beijing.

Perhaps it is the impractical nature of such radicalism that has kept you from making enough of yourself to play the markets a bit and realize this first-hand?
Im a nationalist and radical. I have never takin anything from anyone. That post is another of your big crocks of BS. There is one I'd like to see you back up... you could never have walked a mile. Too busy reading books no doubt.

Hiding behind the ugly picture painted by calling someone a "commie" proves it.

You said "fuck the free market" in your earlier post. You're a fan of government-regulated economy. Tell me how that's not socialist.

You fucking Red. :cool:
All a bit old hat, no? I'm more than familiar with your viewpoint, and I agree with much of it, but after years of being exposed to such articulate criticism of multiculturalism on this forum, I've adopted a less partisan position.

Also, given what you've said, multiculturalism does seem inevitable, not in some abstract way, but because our course has been set upon it, rightly or wrongly. That's what I meant, not that multiculturalism is inevitable, in the same way that time passing is.

Old hat indeed - as is homosexuality,(basic)religion/satanism, relationships, and not a few other shall we say, uncomfortably familiar themes perpetually revisited here. I hadn't seen this theme in a while - perhaps I wasn't paying enough attention. Still - making the point from time to time may make it new to someone...:Smug:

More seriously though, you have clarified what you were saying and with that, by and large, I must reluctantly agree. Barring some truly revolutionary changes, the likes of which show no evidence of arising anytime soon, the die is indeed cast. For heavens' sake, I live in New I have ring-side seat from which to watch it all unfold. Lucky me...:erk:
I never "took" anything from anyone either that was not voluntary. Thus, there was no theft. If someone wishes to sell me an ounce of gold at $650, and I accede, it is our business. Likewise if I turn around and sell it at a higher price to a willing buyer.

As for government protecting us, markets operate in spite of, not because of, government meddling in their affairs. They tax, regulate, manipulate, and obfuscate ad absurdum; it is the reason so much business is moving from New York and Chicago to London and Dubai.

By the way, the largest COMEX is no longer in the US, it is in Dalian, China, not far from Beijing.

Perhaps it is the impractical nature of such radicalism that has kept you from making enough of yourself to play the markets a bit and realize this first-hand?

Not what I was talking about or refering to.
Cypher, with all due respect... fuck the free market, why am I as an American forced to compete with the wages of former rice farmers or name the other historically less proactive culture, by American corporations and government ? I have to live in the extremely inflated economy of the States, not a thatch hut or corporate housing. This country moved past that nearly 100 years ago, and we would be there again today if it wasnt masked by "extended credit" and faux economy blankets

Likewise, as an American, why should you be forced to buy from Americans, when others offer better and cheaper products?

Re the original question - I think it is very confused between 'ethnicity' and 'culture'. Here in Australia ethnicity seems mostly irrelevant when the culture is the same, but does act as something of a beacon when the culture is different.

I struggle to understand just as high a proportion of people from my own race / ethnicity as of others, I believe. Forced diversity is fucking stupid though, and I don't see any reason to be pro immigration....
Likewise, as an American, why should you be forced to buy from Americans, when others offer better and cheaper products?

better and cheaper do not always... in fact rarely occur. We have some serious garbage pouring into this country. Also during the decades when America was far more self sufficient we had compatible incomes to afford our own products, and we only bought them once, not another every 2 years. Initially Companies that left should not have been allowed in our markets, foreign interests should not have been allowed ownership on our soil and other imports should carry a 50% import tax. To many its a bit of an embarrassment that we have become little more than a pile of "consumers" to promote the economies of other countries while ours faulters, yet others are even unaware of our stature as such.

Some people may call me racist or a bigot or the like but here goes. Short (or not so) and simple. I've noticed in a few different countries that you have people immigrating into the country and then trying to make it more like their country, while rejecting the innate views/culture of the country they are 'inhabiting'. (even setting illegal immigration aside) People might call this freedom, but I think theres a line. There's not a snowballs chance in hell that I could as a north american white male, go to *many* countries, and demand recognition as a person let alone challenging laws of that country. The way I see it, if you can't reciprocate (as a nation) and you don't agree with the local culture, and you just try to use the host country and change their ways, why the hell are you leaving your country to begin with. Whats going to happen to cultural flavour etc? I'm not at all trying to imply that all immigration is negative or has negative effects, certainly not. I don't like whats been happening to many of our communities, and our economies. It's not a hate issue at all, its a global issue. Example being foreign students coming to canada for high level education, then taking the education immediately back to their home country and as a result contributing to our failing economies (obviously only a small portion of the issue, just used as an example). Free trade is also an absolute joke. We've handed our countries over to other nations without even immigrating a single soul, while enslaving other nations, in a sink or swim scenario.

Oh, but it's ok because we give our dollar a day to World Vision, right?.............

So in many respects, I would rather people keep to their own cultures. (I don't mean completely introvert or anything like that) Do I think its altruistic, meh I don't know, and I don't think it would matter much if I did, but I do think that theres a good case for it. It depends on way too many factors. A simple complication would be that I also consider myself a humanitarian.

I could go on for hours, but it would just be a clustershag of tangents ;)
Financial world aside ( leaving trade and governmnet out of it) I think people are ok to do what ever they want.

I personally would like to keep to my own "kind". I love that there is diversity in this world. If everyone looked alike and and had the same culture, I would be bored to death. I love learning different languages, meeting people from different parts of the world that have different religions/prectices/holidays etc. I find it all very interesting.

If we were forced to embrace and "intermingle" or however one should phrase it, with other peoples of the world, we would eventually become a similar mass of semi-brownish people or something.

In instances like this, I turn to the animal kingdom. Brown bears stay with brown bears, black bears stay with black bears, and when a brown encounters a black, a stand off ensues. It becomes fight or flight, and whoever is bigger and stronger gains the ground. The weaker, smaller beast submits. This must sound crazy. I fully embrace survival of the fittest, and if you or your people aren't meant to live, you won't. As such, I believe I am Social Darwinist.

I think peoples need to remain separate to preserve our differences, unless they feel like mingling with others--then they create new differences Its a win-win situation for me. Unless the mixing is forced. It must be of free will. No one forces animals to evolve.
Agreed, though I must make a note of something. Even if the intermingling occurs out of free will, which is more or less how it is now, eventually you will still run into the same problem of culture alienation/extinction. Not to mention that when it starts occuring, it quickly becomes a matter of 'force' for those who wish to remain with 'their own kind'. I like to stick to my own kind for the most part, but I am simply unable to do so. It's quite literally impossible. For myself, I tend to think this is 'forced' on me. Its all a matter of perspective.
Agreed, though I must make a note of something. Even if the intermingling occurs out of free will, which is more or less how it is now, eventually you will still run into the same problem of culture alienation/extinction. Not to mention that when it starts occuring, it quickly becomes a matter of 'force' for those who wish to remain with 'their own kind'. I like to stick to my own kind for the most part, but I am simply unable to do so. It's quite literally impossible. For myself, I tend to think this is 'forced' on me. Its all a matter of perspective.

Agreed also. I suppose my opinions have been formed by my environment.. Where I grew up (a village (as defined so by law) of about 300 people in nowheresville-farmland North Dakota)its only White, mainly (99.99%) Scandinavian descendants. Back in the early 90s a Hispanic family moved in, but quickly moved out less than a year later. No idea why though. I was raised in a pretty sterile environment.

I have came to appreciate diversity at college (I moved to NY city and was FAR too overwhelmed with it) This is where I experienced the forcing of cultures on me. I didn't appreciate it much, especially because there was no where for me to turn to find my own "kind". They didn't really have many Norwegian cuisine restaurants or Swedish meatball stands on any given street corner like they did Indian or Chinese or Italian. But as it turns out, I like Chinese food. :p I moved away from that quickly and into a much quieter town. Still, mainly whites here, but if I walk downtown, there is a Mexican restaurant with Mexicans working in it. And if I walk to the Chinese restaurant, I find Chinese people. That is diversity I can handle!!

Maybe someday I can go back to NY, but I'm being eased into it. Some people grow up with this. Where I was raised, I had never met a black person, or an Asian person, or anyone other than white people. Eventually, I will get used to it, these things take time!
Yes, here in the US we are being forced into it, we have it shoved down our throat regularly. I cant speak for elsewhere. Look at some of the television programing and commercials in recent years, some make sure they incorporate one character from various nationalities, gender and sexual orientation so the entire cast will be an even mix. Its some kind of effort to acclimate and desensitize, its the obviousness of it that offends my intellegence.
I like to stick to my own kind for the most part, but I am simply unable to do so. It's quite literally impossible. For myself, I tend to think this is 'forced' on me. Its all a matter of perspective.

I like to fly like superman, but gravity forces me to remain on the ground. *Life* is forced on you, as are all manner of its occurrences - your 'freedom' is in how you respond to them.
the past two point are both good and both point to human individuality, which is being lawed up as a method to control... until we all become passive and recite things as if a preprogramed telephone recording
Not sure, I think we are both going the same direction here. While most of the population goes against it in one form or another, naturally self serving... to me... at times... it appears the goals pursued by puppet masters is to turn us all into preprogramed devices, willing to comply or carry guilt for our lack there of.