Do those who adhere to a particular faith give a positive impression of their credo?

Christians brown nose naz-Republicans and corrupt corporations that have destroyed US economy;
McCain's buddy Phil Gramm = google FORECLOSURE PHIL

It's all in what you choose to believe. No one person caused the collapse of the US economy, many people and their motives did. You would be an ignorant fool to think that somehow "Christians" killed the economy.. Why do you equate Republicans with Christianity? A Christian can be whatever political affiliation they may want, and a Republican can be whatever religion they want, if they even choose a religion... Your posts spew ignorant and prejudiced hatred.

Christians and their silly ass puritan values:
Teen pregnancy sky rocketed and infant mortality rates have soared in the US.
How does this have any correlation with Christianity? I'm pretty sure Christianity is for how would this cause pregnancy rates to "sky rocket"? Besides, only Catholics believe that birth control is a "sin". I would say what has caused teen pregnancys to "sky rocket" is the mindless drivel in the media and peer pressure. Cliche answers, but still quite true. Teens will do what they want, no matter what their parents, teachers, priests or pastors say. If someone wants a condom or birth control pills, it is by no means difficult to obtain one.

Christians disgusting attitude towards women:
Women are only worthy if they are popping out babies like a bitch dog popping out puppies.
I don't know where you are getting these statements from, but I can't help but laugh. Really, are you serious? I've yet to meet a "Christian" that believes a woman is "worthy if she is popping out babies like a bitch dog popping out puppies". Even if there does exist someone that holds those values, their religion isn't the problem, the person themself is. It's like someone getting in a car accident and blaming Toyota. Toyota was merely a vehicle of allowing this person to hurt you. Toyota didn't force the driver to hit your car, the driver themself did.
Fuck Christians they suck.
Quite possibly the most profound,philosophical, and life changing statement made thus far.
Not to mention what Christians have done to the metal music business in the US.
I won't dispute this claim though. Metalcore "Christian" bands make me sick to my stomach. Not all "Christian" metal is bad though. Europe has some great Christian metal bands:

"Intelligent (and mature) discussions only." I think your posts are in the wrong forum.
Fenrisúlfr;8093707 said:
I'll have faith in humanity if you saw fit to spare us your drivel. Did your mother do methamphetamine during your third trimester?

I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. And no, she didn't.

EDIT: And what if I don't spare you? You still gonna worship me and call me the sun god? Or do you walk your own way instead of whining?
Personally, I find the Children's Crusades to be the best examples of religious stupidity. They are morbidly hilarious.

With that out of the way, all people tend to focus on it the stereotypes of the media (I can only speak for us idiot Americans, though). Most people fail to read any of the scriptures of faith systems other than their own, and usually when they do they misunderstand what they read. There is the whole issue with "Humans are idiots who are easily persuaded by power, money, and glory," but I believe that this factors in mainly to the early periods of each religion (Christian Crusades, Muslim jihad, etc) and the fact that these periods were also the periods of the most conflict because nobody understood how to get along with differences.

But now look at the world. Forums are a miracle-Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, non-believers (Obama made my day when he said this instead of Atheists, for there is a difference), and more can all meet and speak on level terms. I think that government leaders should go online more often-maybe less cars would go all explodey in the present day if they did...

...Or maybe they'll see all the jackasses of the world and just end it all so the jackasses can't continue to thrive. Just a thought.
EDIT: And what if I don't spare you? You still gonna worship me and call me the sun god? Or do you walk your own way instead of whining?

This indicates your lack of reading comprehension &/or logical reasoning capacity.

I'll have faith in humanity if you saw fit to spare us your drivel.

Therefore, seeing as you have not seen fit, I would not have faith in humanity.
so your all discussing christianity and all of its stupid ideoligies and beliefs?does anyone understand that the bible is a book of stories, a bunch of fairytales put into one who book called the "holy" bible.believe what you want just dont come knocking on my door and ask if i want to know a bout the imaginary man and his fake son jesus.besides whats with everyone saying the worlds going to end? religious nuts are the fucking psychoes that embrace the destruction of pretty much everything. thats fuckin psycho and whats hilarious is that they devote their lives to someone they cant see and have been feed a lie of immortality.and all they need is money and and there's also a theory i have about people going out and recruiting new "brothers" and "sisters".
All I've seen is that Christians have made a big fat disgusting mess of America, so I hate Christians and have no tolerance for their nonsense anymore. I completely denounce the people of the God of Abraham and their bastard messiah. Done.
I agree, to an extent. My question to you is why do you "hate" Christians? Do you realize, as the post suggests, most people who call themselves Christian are far from that practice. They go to church to show off their new vehicle, their clothes, and to report how wonderful their children are. They are not there for the true reason. Which is to glorify God, and to thank Jesus for his ultimate sacrifice. Look, I don't purport to be an excellent example of a Christian man. So, in that context I would agree with Norsemaiden. My relationship with God/Jesus exists within me. Not in a church or any other outward demonstration, but a "personal" relationship with whom I believe through his death, saved me and my wretched sinning. I never have "thumped" a Bible. But, to dismiss this as "fairytales" and nonsense, in that, God/jesus is an "imaginary" thing is sad to read. Don't follow what others will try to "jam" down your throat. Listen to your heart, and what it's telling you. Being honest with oneself is certainly a difficult thing to do. Obviously, this is based on life experience and the things that have influenced you. Make your own choices. God has blessed all of us with "free will." Use it. Don't point fingers and cast blame, in the end, it will serve no purpose. Most who claim to be "good Christians" are a very poor example in representing as such. The answers lie within you, man.
All I've seen is that Christians have made a big fat disgusting mess of America, so I hate Christians and have no tolerance for their nonsense anymore. I completely denounce the people of the God of Abraham and their bastard messiah. Done.

Lol, talk about ignorant.
I am wondering, Hexwind,
What does the Koran have to say about apostates? And was it un-Islamic when Islam invaded Europe in the middle ages?
The Crusades were undoubtedly un-Christian after all. But I thought Islam was partly about being ruthlessly expansionist. It's no way as passive as Jesus' message of "turning the other cheek" to all enemies.
First of all, sorry for the delay, i didn't check this thread ever since i posted.
Do you mean what Koran says about those who aren't Muslims?
Well.. what was written in Koran was : " they have their religion and you have yours" which means that you can't FORCE Islam to others,let them go if they don't want to get into it.All what we, Muslims, have to do is to display what Islam is about and try to get people into, and that was the purpose of invading Europe, yet it turned out to be a massacre. That's what I know.
But people always misrepresent things.To turn someone to whatever religion, should never be with compromise but with convincing. That's what we should do in any other subject, don't you think?
I know that people misunderstand Koran, even Muslims themselves... one typical example:
Koran says that Islam should be against ALL forms of stereotyping and racism, being absolutely tolerant, treat people equally no matter what religion or beliefs they have, learn about other's cultures, know people from all over the world, exchange thoughts and knowledge,learn as much as you can in life, be united and so on.But most of Muslims,unfortunately, refuse the western culture, prejudice them. few centuries after the Prophet's death, Muslims were divided into sects, acting and interpreting the Koran and the Hadith (what the Prophet said) according to their own habits (while it said we have to be united as one), and ever since, people started to act according to their leaders saying not to Koran. It says that you never have to hurt yourself (and anyone else but i have already explained that, mainly self-defense is allowed) but you can see Shi'a hurt themselves tragically in each Ashoura (a celebration of theirs). Most Muslims that you see today are doing exactly what God told them not to do.
You see, so that invasion is wrong when it comes to the way it happened, bloodshed and the slaughter.
I think this the conclusion that I could come up with when i interpret things logically.
I totally agree that Religious people are the reason of all the mess ever since the world began, but not the Religions themselves. So hate the players NOT the game, Resonator, coz if you are watching a soccer match, players can suck at it so hard, so you won't like it, even if soccer is amazing. So here we have to judge each of the "players (or religious in this thread lol) " and the "game (religion) " apart.
Religion is exactly the same thing as Heavy Metal music (according to my own experience with both) , HM fans can be sooo stupid so they reflect a bad image to the music, and that's why i hated heavy metal/hard rock when i was younger becoz of its fans.
Good post Hex and pretty much answers/agrees with Norsemaidens origional question. People screw everything up, consistantly, to the point of prediction. Im a comfirmed non believer and can not be turned, I did the Sunday school thing and went to Church with my Grandmother every Sunday until I was 18 at which point I stopped playing the game. I had made up my mind years before that those books were nothing but early folklore written by WAY primitive people, obviously so. Seas dont part, no one throws fire and brimstone from the skys (except the military), no one turns into a pillar of salt, no one carrys on conversations with fictional beings. Look at all the praying over the centuries, must be a godzillion prayers made, yet nothing has gotten any better, in fact I think we are racing to the bottom.

I admire those of faith in current times, I havent a clue how they can have "faith" with all the obvious information at hand. Yet so many hang strong to their beliefs and I dont think they are stupid but I dont understand how they possibly can.

One thing I do know is that there are all kinds of people of the various faiths and find it agrevating when those that have posted here slump them all together as being bad people under the examples of the extreme, that is truely stupid... but then I am guilty of that myself becasue even though I know better I seem to have a extreme dislike for anything Muslim, Islam and even the Jews. I look at the big friggin mess in the middle-east that has always seemed present and find myself very aggrevated that so much of the worldly affairs revolve around those GOD DAMNED HOLY WARS. Everywhere any of those ancient books of folklore have traveled has left a trail of blood. I have no idea whats in the Koran but the bible... old testament, through its interpretation justifies this bloodshed, until believers understand that the world has changed in awareness and understanding since the times of long ago when those tales were developed the bloodshed will never end...... perhaps the holy books were written as a means of population control LOL... but then again believers are most likely to reproduce like rabbits because the old tales encourage that too and make a couples head count at the kitchen table their most valuable contribution to mankind. Brainwashing people into thinking more children prove success.... yet in modern times we know one of the easiest things to do is make babies.... its no accomplishment what so ever.

I suppose this post was a tangent rant but I was trying to make good points. lol
Here's something to ponder. When you die, "death not ends it." We are all spiritual beings inside a physical body. When death happens, we shed our physical bodies and move on in a spiritual existence. We enter into a realm which is supportive of all of our deeds, both good and bad on Earth. So, in short, we will end up in a spiritual place with those who are basically just like us. Whatever bad things you did as a human, those living with you have done the same. And all good things too. If you were a gifted musician, a writer, a fireman, a cop, an ass-hole, a dick-head it doesn't matter. You are all here in the same place. Now, in these realms of spirituality, you can move forward, or "graduate" to the next realm. But, only with help from someone who you knew, but has been dead for years. They can teach you the necessary things to do to move up. Just some thoughts, Yeh I know, do another hit from your bong. I think I will. Peace.
I admire those of faith in current times, I havent a clue how they can have "faith" with all the obvious information at hand. Yet so many hang strong to their beliefs and I dont think they are stupid but I dont understand how they possibly can.

By and large, I find that people continue to believe the utterly implausible for the most simplistic, even selfish reason...most notably, that they can and they wish to. For many, their entire worldview or ideological foundation is so inextricably wrapped-up in religious dressings from the earliest age, that to honestly doubt or falter, even for a moment, is to open the door for a collapse of that worldview aforesaid. Relatively few people are willing to take that risk. If people take comfort in what seems to many of us the most obvious of archaic nonsense, there is little going to change their minds - facts, science, time, derision, etc. Comfort and familiarity are potent motivators.
Here's something to ponder. When you die, "death not ends it." We are all spiritual beings inside a physical body. When death happens, we shed our physical bodies and move on in a spiritual existence. We enter into a realm which is supportive of all of our deeds, both good and bad on Earth. So, in short, we will end up in a spiritual place with those who are basically just like us. Whatever bad things you did as a human, those living with you have done the same. And all good things too. If you were a gifted musician, a writer, a fireman, a cop, an ass-hole, a dick-head it doesn't matter. You are all here in the same place. Now, in these realms of spirituality, you can move forward, or "graduate" to the next realm. But, only with help from someone who you knew, but has been dead for years. They can teach you the necessary things to do to move up. Just some thoughts, Yeh I know, do another hit from your bong. I think I will. Peace.

Who told you that? I mean, what belief system says such thing?
By and large, I find that people continue to believe the utterly implausible for the most simplistic, even selfish reason...most notably, that they can and they wish to. For many, their entire worldview or ideological foundation is so inextricably wrapped-up in religious dressings from the earliest age, that to honestly doubt or falter, even for a moment, is to open the door for a collapse of that worldview aforesaid. Relatively few people are willing to take that risk. If people take comfort in what seems to many of us the most obvious of archaic nonsense, there is little going to change their minds - facts, science, time, derision, etc. Comfort and familiarity are potent motivators.

I just dont know and cant speculate. I have many friends who have all the same views as myself about nearly everything else. Smart, outgoing, far from prude or angelic, not Chruch goers, not always trying to spred any message yet they still believe. My best friend is Irish and Catholic and does do the occasional Church thing, has raised his children as such, they say grace before dinner, yet he was one of the craziest hell raisers of all my friends. Not low morals type of stuff just a party animal. I think maybe some people can honestly believe all the modern science stuff and still believe in a higher order and spirit world. My girlfriend doesnt believe in God but believes in a spirit world.... in fact has a handful of ghost stories.... and no shes not a wack job... outside of the typical woman type stuff... lol. My sister and her husband are extremely religious they are both very smart, educated and successful. He in fact is a Dr. of genetics and cloning. I can say I darn near became a believer when my sister went "reborn" because she went from a complete total BITCH to one of the nicest people I know.

So as I said I just cant speculate on peoples beliefs, its the most pondurous facet of the human psych I know, most other things about people I find simplistic. Maybe its as simple as preservation instincts, that life is not all for nothing but there seems to be more to it than just that.

Who told you that? I mean, what belief system says such thing?
I myself was wondering the same thing Bloodsword, that was a new one on me, perhaps we should sit down together with the old peace pipe someday and ponder these things... :lol:
Who told you that? I mean, what belief system says such thing?
Hex, it's just MY belief system. No one told me. It;s just that every thing I've researched and learned, has led me to believe this could be possible. And why not? I've often pondered what happens at the moment of death and forward in that realm of existence. Mainly, when we die, that's not the end.(I believe) When you move on after death, you shed your physical body, as if it's, an old overcoat. Your spirit then traverses throughout the different realms of spiritualality. What I believe is only one realm of spiritual existence, for there must be many more. As on Earth, you must earn your way, to upgrade your spiritual realm. For those who believe at death and forward we become just "wormfood" that's fine, the body will decay and rot. I'm saying our spirits move on. For those who think, "this makes me feel better" that's their opinion, and I'm fine with that. But, who knows what happens? I believe what we do on Earth, ultimately, will glean our course in the next life. Those who would say that this is a ridiculous theory, I would ask, How do you know?
How do you believe in something without any facts? As far as i know, nobody has ever returned back to life from death (i don't mean those out of body experience) to tell us what happens when we die yeah?
The idea of after life has never been proved, no one knows exactly what's gonna happen, with all due respect dude, those beliefs of yours are only imagination or guess right? there are no real facts that prove this.
You may ask me how do I believe the very same idea in my religion and I deny your beliefs. I do believe it as well as I believe that we,the human beings,may be able to explain the idea of after life in the future. Some things written in Koran have no explaintions or real proves coz we don't have any so far. Just like the relativity theory, it was proven about 1400 years before it was discovered by Einstein in Koran, the fingertips uniqueness as well, the big bang,the way the sun moves along, the way the sun will rise from the other side which is a sign of the end of the world, once the polars shift the rise does rise from the other happened only once in the earth lifetime i think. Bottom line, I do trust this idea coz simply it was in Koran which mankind proved a lot of things correct on it (even tho some don't know they did lol). We can never figure out everything, some things still not discovered yet.All hail science and technology.
Peace out
I did the Sunday school thing and went to Church with my Grandmother every Sunday until I was 18 at which point I stopped playing the game. I had made up my mind years before that those books were nothing but early folklore written by WAY primitive people, obviously so.

You suffered needlessly. But yes, they are folklore written by way primitive people :P

Seas dont part, no one throws fire and brimstone from the skys (except the military), no one turns into a pillar of salt, no one carrys on conversations with fictional beings. Look at all the praying over the centuries, must be a godzillion prayers made, yet nothing has gotten any better, in fact I think we are racing to the bottom.

Now at least the last part of the last sentence makes sense :) The fact of the matter is, the movie Constantine was right. God and Devil really just play influential cards with humanity because they deal with the deck of foreknowledge.

For example, the seas parting. Moses simply had to know that believing God would do it would make it possible, which makes the thought in motion. This knowledge was attained because he survived long enough to see a bush that had been set on fire, and he stumbled upon the thought of God speaking through it by mistake, and his thoughts carried him through the conversation. It was Moses who thought up all the things that happened before the Pharaoh let his people go and brought them into action.

It's all because of timing. People believed in so much more because there was less of an information storm to make them question themselves. And thus, through the power of reason, Man accomplishes things to his benefit because God designed all these things to fall in place like dominoes.

And that logic, you will note, passes through everything you've ever read in that bible that does not make sense.

I admire those of faith in current times, I havent a clue how they can have "faith" with all the obvious information at hand. Yet so many hang strong to their beliefs and I dont think they are stupid but I dont understand how they possibly can.

Knowledge leads to Belief, which leads to source. It is the pathway, and only your thoughts can go there.

"I'll chain you to the truth, for the truth shall set you free!"
- Lamb of God

I look at the big friggin mess in the middle-east that has always seemed present and find myself very aggrevated that so much of the worldly affairs revolve around those GOD DAMNED HOLY WARS.

Yeah, but you neglect to see the future outcome of the war. You can't really say for certain what it's full outcome will be until it comes.

As for the rest of that bit, consider this the calm before the thought storm. Once people see how logical the universe is, God will make sense to them.

I suppose this post was a tangent rant but I was trying to make good points. lol

They were good :)

Also, BloodSword has it right, in brief...There's alot more that goes along with that information.
Spotted this thread and thought I'd give my take.

I'm personally a Christian, well... I say Christian, rather I have a faith in God. I don't personally go to church or subscribe to organised religion in particular. However due to some important experiences in my life I became a "follower of Jesus" you might say, years ago.

Naturally this makes me very protective of my faith (particularly on a metal forum, hi, I just joined btw! :)). Anyway, I felt the need to post in this topic for several reasons, namely, I'm thoroughly ashamed of what many "Christians" have done over the years and I include George Dubya Bush in that. People have done some horrible things in the name of God and that saddens me. However the number of Christians I know who are great people outnumber the minority by a long way. I would also point out that Christianity is definitely not the cause of such atrocities that I was alluding to, rather religion is just another excuse used again and again.