Things I hate: Kentucky, humidity, and fret buzz


¯\(°_o)/¯ How meet Devil?
Nov 13, 2005
Nothing like going to play your guitar and noticing a varied amount of fret buzz. I know a guitar goes through the natural process of adjusting to the changing weather, and you gotta get it re-setup and taken care of...but still..Kentucky weather sucks dick. I don't think I can be that old person who enjoys talking about the minuet details of weather, or saying how much spring this year is different than last year, all my answers will be, "Shits fucking with my guitar!". Or, "How do you like this summers weather to last year?" and my answer is, "Goddamn weather is fucking with my guitar!". But, alas, these are what we deal with in playing instruments.
When i lived by the ocean i would get a build up of salt on my fretboard for some reason due to the air. I solved the problem by keeping my guitar and a guitar case when not playing it. Perhaps the same would work for you?
When i lived by the ocean i would get a build up of salt on my fretboard for some reason due to the air. I solved the problem by keeping my guitar and a guitar case when not playing it. Perhaps the same would work for you?

I do keep them in their hardshell cases at all times. Yet, I think the prior weather of it being 60 on day and 80 and humid the next could have been the reason. The tempt. in the house probably fluctuated with it.

^^+1 that and a humidifier.

I'm starting to think a humidifier is a good idea.