Things that get me going

Nov 11, 2004
I feel the need to make a list of thing's that bug the hell out of me and I'm posting it here because I have been an occassional poster here and a frequent reader and this is the only space in which I agree w/most of the things talked about.

1. Harley/Fast&furious guy's:
I want to know why these people feel the need to dress up in costume and by costume I mean the ever so trendy jacket/helmet combo complete w/little patches proclaiming things like POW/MIA ,Harley Davidson, Fox Racing and what have you. I am a supporter of the millitary but not as a fashion statement. Why can't these people just ride a damn motor cycle w/out the need to play dress-up to do so.

2. Psuedo-Enviromentalist/activist in the business of entertainment:
Why can't these bloated ,self righteous idiots shut it down already? Since when did any of these fools gain the credentials to be an authority on anything outside of writing a song or acting a part? I would love to know because I am at a loss with this one. It seems as if every time a cause is open for the taking these fat heads destroy it by turning it into a parody of what ever good it was trying to bring. I'm not a fan of the arctic monkeys but they recently had it right by shooting down these media whores for the hypocrits that they are.

2. Big Box Retail Consumers:
I happen to be Kitchen designer/Millwork specialist for a large homestore other than home depot and I will tell you this. My job is very entertaining to say the least. Day in day out it is a never ending circus of ignorance My job is to basicly bend over a table and grab my ankles for "the customer" as a matter of fact I think I still have some residual bruising from the last time I took it like a man. Where I work is a haven for what I like to call the "professional customer" in other words a person w/the intent of getting everything for free or at no cost and here is one scenerio of how they do it. In comes customer A customer A is allready at an advantage because retail is a beacon for Customer service any way, customer A wants a new kitchen but has no intention of paying for that 19k kitchen that they want so they go w/something cheaper/something that they realy dont want,something in the range of 7k. Customer A is also of armenian/turkish descent and will use that as a bargaining chip..any how, customer A was also a supposed architect in his homeland so amidst the designing and measuring he decides to take a hands on approach to his design by knocking down his walls in his kitchen post-measure and then not telling anyone about it untill a week after the final design was done and the cabinets paid for and ordered. Customer A decides to cancell his order/my commision twice through out the following 6 weeks lead time to make changes to his order further complicating what has allready turned into a shit show. Finally the cabinets arrive at his home and naturaly they are "not what he wanted because the cherry veneer cabinets had to much grain" I shit you not. Customer A orders maple cabinets instead and everything is fine up untill he cancells again to change the depth of a wall cabinet in mid construction..order is on track again and finally arrives but a surprise happens ! he now cancells the install 1 day before it is slated to happen but abruptly changes his mind 2 days later and by then the installer who was assigned to the job has had his fill of this guy and does not want the job so it gets assigned to some one elseduring this time we offered him a full refund on the install and a 700 dollar gift card and he declined he wanted us to install for a reason. The new installer goes to the house for a pre-install inspection and is shocked by the changes made from the original design /measure...he schedules an install date and does his best w/what was given to him and the customer SIGNS OFF ON THE GODDAMN INSTALL!!! which means that he was satisfied with the job done at least for that day. A week goes by and he starts calling the store and posting complaints on the customer care website saying that he was ripped off by the company and did not get what he wanted. This gets the attention of the district manager and then the regional vice president who look to me for an explaination so I show them the customers folder and all the notes that were recorded from the first visit. They take this folder and tell me to forward any further info and phone calls to the store manager. Big fucking mistake! the store manager essentialy gives the customer the edge by yelling at him and putting him in his place. This in any other situation would have been warranted but not this time. I warned the manager that he was building his case to get what he wanted and that anything said would be taken out of context and used against us. So 3 months go by and store manager is fired, the customer is now threatening to sue based on descrimination because of his ethnicity(his english was awfull and i guess the manager couldnt under stand him) in the end he ended up getting solid cherry cabinets w/all the bells and whistles, new high end appliances and a new black granite counter top totaling 20 thousand fucking dollars plus his original purchase price back plus a 4k check. all because of big retails never ending pussified relationship w/the hand that feeds them. all in all i lost $500 dollars in commision ,my innocense and my trust. Thankfully I was in the right and took notes and recorded every little detail or else I may be out of a job. I no longer do kitchens because of this.

that was very long winded and i appologize.

let me hear about the things that you can't stomach:Puke: