Thinking about downsizing...


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
I'm going to downsize my recording gear. I don't really want to record drums or other people's music, and since I do the programmed drum thing I really only need 2 inputs.

So, since I'm giving up a bit of quantity, I thought I could hopefully step it up a bit in the quality department.

I could probably get about $450 if I sold off my Firepod, Audix D6, and Audiopile drum mic kit. I'd need to get an interface and mic preamps for my laptop. Whats the best I could do for two channels in that price range? Used preferably.

FF400 looks fantastic but its almost 3 times my price range.

I'm on a Dell laptop running Vista, so the Apogee is out.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Well I've had an 828 mkII and it was awesome. The pre's were sorta dark and mushy though.
I've heard the Edirol UA series is absolutely kickass. Gavin swore by his.
Can vouch for the Edirol units....I had a UA before I moved up to my Fireface. Surprisingly decent bang for the buck there in terms or pre's and whatnot.
I've always heard the E-MU 0404 is by far the best USB interface for under $250 (and I can't imagine what would be better for under $500)