Thinking ahead to 2008....

See You In Hell

Is this the real McCoy?
Feb 13, 2007
For no particular reason I thought I would post a "wish list" for next year's ProgPower just to see what reaction I get. This ought to be interesting...

Let me first qualify what I am about to post by admitting the following truisms:

  1. I am writing as a fan and not as someone in the know (meaning you good readers may know things about these bands that I don't).
  2. Yes, technically, some of these bands don't truly fit the term "progressive" but that still doesn't mean I don't like them.
  3. The logistics (and expense) of getting these bands together at once may prove impossible.
  4. Many of you may find these bands are not a "good fit" for this festival.

Having said the above please take a look and submit your own opinions. If nothing else (and perhaps this is truly the main point) we should have some interesting discussions, especially with the strong opinions we all carry about certain bands.

Without further adieu here is my list just for fun:

Gamma Ray
Children of Bodom


Pink Cream 69
Into Eternity

"Sweet Jesus" you must be thinking! "Holy mother of Heaven" you cry out aloud! What is he smoking?? Well, as I said this list is just for fun. Of course, it is slanted toward bands I have never seen before (shown in red) or bands I have seen before and really liked their show (shown in blue). I had to start somewhere, right? Not putting Stratovarius in a headliner slot is really asking for trouble isn't it? Hahahahaha! :lol:

Let the slings and arrows of outrageous debate begin! :headbang:
Basically the first problem is the bands would probably cost around 3 total PPs for this one lineup. The bands are all over the place where they shouldn't be. CoB, besides being a major oddball, would probably laugh at a 3rd spot for this festival since they're able to sell very well on their own. Sold out a club near me and this area sucks pretty bad for metal. Therion would never headline over Strat or Nightwish. Nightwish & Strat would probably play opposite night headliners. Also, too many repeats and Ayreon will never happen until one of us wins the lotto and gives Glenn a million dollars to make it happen.
Basically the first problem is the bands would probably cost around 3 total PPs for this one lineup. The bands are all over the place where they shouldn't be. CoB, besides being a major oddball, would probably laugh at a 3rd spot for this festival since they're able to sell very well on their own. Sold out a club near me and this area sucks pretty bad for metal. Therion would never headline over Strat or Nightwish. Nightwish & Strat would probably play opposite night headliners. Also, too many repeats and Ayreon will never happen until one of us wins the lotto and gives Glenn a million dollars to make it happen.

Besides all this, you have Edguy in a second slot.....they have already headlined one night back at PPV....there's no way they would play a 2nd slot

As much as i would love to see all the bands you listed at a single PP, it's never gonna happen
Way to cram 5 headliners into one day on Saturday. While I would be very happy to see the lineup you described, there's no way it's ever happening. But so long as it was just for fun, some good choices there.
Besides all this, you have Edguy in a second slot.....they have already headlined one night back at PPV....there's no way they would play a 2nd slot

As much as i would love to see all the bands you listed at a single PP, it's never gonna happen

In fact there are multiple bands that you have on this bill that are placed in lower spots than they have previously played on the PP bill (Edguy, Stratovarius, Symphorce, Nightwish, Into Eternity, etc.). I understand that this was all in good fun, but most people try to be slightly realistic when they post these sorts of things.
Seems like a list of bands he would just like to see regardless of the order and all the various criteria, so I'll cut some slack. I wouldn't mind seeing most of those bands myself. In a fantasy scenerio anything is possible, dream for the sky, why not!
In fact there are multiple bands that you have on this bill that are placed in lower spots than they have previously played on the PP bill (Edguy, Stratovarius, Symphorce, Nightwish, Into Eternity, etc.). I understand that this was all in good fun, but most people try to be slightly realistic when they post these sorts of things.

Realistic? Me? Never! :lol:

Like I said earlier, you guys are the experts not me. I already see my wish list has more holes than Swiss cheese (hell even more holes than a porno flick) but at least I got something (good or bad, you be the judge) started.

I will be easily recognizable at this year's festival as the fellow with the UNREALISTIC t-shirt on! :headbang:
For a more realistic approach..

Iced Earth
Iron Savior
Within Temptation

Areyon (hey, as PP gets 'bigger'.. why not dream .. Unreasonable? Bring back Nightwish)
Dark Empire
Porcupine Tree (?)

A bit power heavy ... definitely. None the less, I'm pretty sure this lineup would rock the house.

Though, I'm more looking forward to this years lineup vs. Any imaginary lineup for next year. ;)
For a more realistic approach..

Iced Earth
Iron Savior
Within Temptation

Areyon (hey, as PP gets 'bigger'.. why not dream .. Unreasonable? Bring back Nightwish)
Dark Empire
Porcupine Tree (?)

A bit power heavy ... definitely. None the less, I'm pretty sure this lineup would rock the house.

Though, I'm more looking forward to this years lineup vs. Any imaginary lineup for next year. ;)
Sorry, i don;t see Within Temptation as a #2 band....
For a more realistic approach..

Iced Earth
Iron Savior
Within Temptation

Areyon (hey, as PP gets 'bigger'.. why not dream .. Unreasonable? Bring back Nightwish)
Dark Empire
Porcupine Tree (?)

A bit power heavy ... definitely. None the less, I'm pretty sure this lineup would rock the house.

Though, I'm more looking forward to this years lineup vs. Any imaginary lineup for next year. ;)

Interesting indeed how the word "realistic" gets bandied about! Hahaha :lol:

Good calls on Iced Earth and Iron Savior though -- I've never seen either and would really like to. Maybe throw in a dash of Falconer or a sprinkle of Visions of Atlantis into the mix? Anyway it's fun to imagine "what ifs" -- thinking inside the box tends to get a little dull.

I must admit my embarrassing lack of Prog Power history (this is my first festival) and short-sightedness about "who should / shouldn't open for whom" did open Pandora's box (no this is NOT a nod to the Aerosmith album of the same name). It is refreshing to see this varying opinions because it does show we care about our music! I'm pleased to see that apathy is a trait none of us appears to share. :kickass:
I must admit my embarrassing lack of Prog Power history (this is my first festival) and short-sightedness about "who should / shouldn't open for whom" did open Pandora's box (no this is NOT a nod to the Aerosmith album of the same name). It is refreshing to see this varying opinions because it does show we care about our music! I'm pleased to see that apathy is a trait none of us appears to share. :kickass:

We're all a bunch of elitest snobs here. The sooner you realise that and attempt to fit in, the better. Remember: ignorance should be met with blatent and bitter abhorence. :p

Don't take forum posts to heart, because a lot of time, people on the internet tend to take things way to seriously, hence the ... 'backlash' ... in this thread to your original post. Appologies if mine came off that way, it's not how I intended it. I like your lineup idea, but it's chances of happening are between 0 and hahahahahahahaha. ...I think mine have a few less 'ha's in it :D
With only 2 albums under their belt, I don't know how you can see them as anything higher. Do you believe they should be lower?
they have a brand new one coming out. I believe most would see them on par with Epica or After Forever.
Why not throw nightwish onto that list as well.. after all, they're fronted by a female lead singer too.

But seriously, I wouldn't put Within Temptation higher up simply because I don't believe they'd be a huge draw, their first album wasn't even terribly impressive, they're still a relatively new band, (heck, opening for Lacuna Coil, you would definitely not catch AF or Epica doing that) ... and this is MY lineup. Feel free to recreate your own ;P