Thinking ahead to 2008....

We're all a bunch of elitest snobs here. The sooner you realise that and attempt to fit in, the better. Remember: ignorance should be met with blatent and bitter abhorence. :p

Don't take forum posts to heart, because a lot of time, people on the internet tend to take things way to seriously, hence the ... 'backlash' ... in this thread to your original post. Appologies if mine came off that way, it's not how I intended it. I like your lineup idea, but it's chances of happening are between 0 and hahahahahahahaha. ...I think mine have a few less 'ha's in it :D

No worries -- no offense taken by any responses. I like stirring things up anyway! Actually, hope to to meet a lot of you at this year's Prog Power since -- no matter the band names -- we're all fans of metal and we're all out to support events like these and bands like these who definitely deserve their moment in the spotlight. :rock:
If they were all one-off appearances, then I'd say even more.

And that probably doesn't include the skyrocketing hotel costs. Hotels in the area were once (PP3-PP4) around $89/night. In 2007, $189/night. In 2008, I expect rooms to top $200/night. $600 for 3 nights lodging? WTF!

It is hard to imagine how lodging costs won't play a roll in both the promoter's and consumers decisions in the coming years.
Within Temptation has two albums?
*looks at list*
Mother Earth
The Silent Force

Plus they have The Dance EP and also have released two DVDs. They've also been around as long as Nightwish. They already have more albums than Epica and will have twice as many a week from now when The Heart of Everything is released.

Rhapsody opened for Manowar. Would you put them in a 2 spot?
But seriously, I wouldn't put Within Temptation higher up simply because I don't believe they'd be a huge draw, their first album wasn't even terribly impressive, they're still a relatively new band, (heck, opening for Lacuna Coil, you would definitely not catch AF or Epica doing that) ... and this is MY lineup.

On a US tour, Epica and After Forever would open for Lacuna Coil.
For a more realistic approach..]

Within Temptation sold 1.5 million copies of their last album in Europe alone. That is more than the combined numbers of everyone else on your list (save Nightwish). They would be the biggest headliner that I have ever had.

I tried for 3 straight years to get them without so much as a serious discussion from their management.
Within Temptation has two albums?
*looks at list*
Mother Earth
The Silent Force

Plus they have The Dance EP and also have released two DVDs. They've also been around as long as Nightwish. They already have more albums than Epica and will have twice as many a week from now when The Heart of Everything is released.

Rhapsody opened for Manowar. Would you put them in a 2 spot?

I'm looking at their website. Listed: The Silent Force and Mother Earth are the only 2 FULL length albums I see listed. I don't count 'singles' and 'EP's' as albums. Not only that, but they were released 4 years apart. Lots of bands put out DVD's now adays. You can't measure a bands progress and evolution on that. Savage Circus has a dvd out, would you make them a Saturday night Headliner?

I didn't know Epica only had 2 albums out as well, but I'm pretty sure they were a gamble.
I tried for 3 straight years to get them without so much as a serious discussion from their management.

A shame they're going to be starting out in the US opening for Lacuna Coil. I still hope they're doing some other dates besides half of the LC tour since they likely will be missing the northeast leg of it. I can easily see them selling very well in NYC, Boston, Montreal, & Toronto on their own. While I'm really excited to be seeing After Forever this year, Within Temptation is probably the one other act that would have made me even happier had you been able to get them. I always thought it was stupid of them to not attempt any real negotiating with you. They have enough of a pop sound that they could be as big a band as Evanescence in the states.
As far as the bands listed on this thread go, I haven't seen a poor choice yet. (My only initial hesitation in praising the line-up came in where bands were place in regards to each other and their prior PP experience.)

I'm all for throwing out personal ideal/fantasy line-ups. Hell, I tcaught some hell for a few of the bands I posted on my fantasy line-up when we were all plotting for this year's PP. So in the nature of fun (even though I'll probably change it again by the time PP VIII is over), here is my "fantasy" line-up for PP IX.

Wuthering Heights

Evil Masquerade
Secret Sphere

Green Carnation
Shadow Gallery
Power Quest

May ordering may be a little off since there are a few of these bands which I'm just starting to uncover their work. But I think any of these bands would be good selections for future ProgPowers. My line-up is also probably a little too Power heavy, since I lean more towards that sub-genre.
... And I'm sure that I'm going to catch hell for a few things:
1. Doro being up there on my list, but I don't care. I love her music and I'd love to see her play ProgPower someday.
2. The fact that if Wuthering Heights and Evil Masquerade were to both play that means Henrik Flyman would probably be playing two sets that weekend.
3. The cost for all these acts. I'm trying to work on uncovering more up-and-comers, but it ain't easy. Props to you, Glenn, for being able to do it and do it well! :notworthy
And probably a few other things I don't realize
I didn't know Epica only had 2 albums out as well, but I'm pretty sure they were a gamble.

I don't know if Glenn would have considered them a gamble. Epica does have out (and had out prior to last year's PP) more than just two albums:

The Road to Paradiso ~ Photo Sound Book (2006)
Quietus ~ Single (2005)
The Score ~ Album (2005)
Solitary Ground ~ Single (2005)
Consign to Oblivion ~ Album (2005)
We will take you with us ~ DVD (2004)
Cry for the Moon ~ Single (2004)
Feint ~ Single (2004)
The Phantom Agony ~ Single (2003)
The Phantom Agony ~ Album (2003)

I realize you said you were not couting singles, but that's still alot of material that they've released. I guess some folks just don't like to count "The Score" since it is an instrumental album.

Even if they were a gamble (which I doubt), they got an incredible reaction from the crowd and are now preparing for a headlining tour of the US from what I understand. Guess they couldn't be doing to bad.
Well, the only major issue I would point out with that lineup is Shadow Gallery. I believe they are a studio project that has never toured (or at least very little) so the chances of them ever making it to PP are quite slim. They'd also probably be higher than a 2 spot if Glenn was ever able to get them. But I don't really listen to them so I don't know a whole lot about them.
2. The fact that if Wuthering Heights and Evil Masquerade were to both play that means Henrik Flyman would probably be playing two sets that weekend.

Nope! Henrik hasn't been with Wuthering Heights for 3½ years - he wasn't on the last album and the last gigs between albums (he wasn't at ProgPower 3 years ago).

Here is my $.02 worth, but hey lets see this year's line up first and enjoy it, but here is mine just the same.

Dark Moor
Six Minute Century

Machine Men
Spheric Universe Experience

Symphony X
Circus Maximus
Silent Force
Mechanical Poet
C'mon people, it's so easy to make everyone think you're smart without Glenn having to set you straight:

1. Type into your browser.
2. Find the heading that says "Weekly Top Listeners"
3. Read the line "X listeners total" under that.
4. Compare that "X" number to the "X" number for other bands.

Here's an example of how it works: = 32,128 = 28,953 = 104,585

Now, don't go crazy and assume that those numbers are God's Honest Truth and use them as proof that "EPICA IS WAY MORE POPULAR THAN AFTER FOREVER AND WILL ALWAYS HEADLINE OVER THEM!!!". But they're at least good enough to be used as a sanity check, which seems to be sorely needed around here. :goggly:

Why not throw nightwish onto that list as well.. after all, they're fronted by a female lead singer too.

But seriously, I wouldn't put Within Temptation higher up simply because I don't believe they'd be a huge draw, their first album wasn't even terribly impressive, they're still a relatively new band, (heck, opening for Lacuna Coil, you would definitely not catch AF or Epica doing that) ... and this is MY lineup. Feel free to recreate your own ;P
I don;t think The Gathering is a new band and yet they are opening for Lacuna Coil as well....:p