"Thinking" metal albums


Sep 17, 2006
I'm looking for some "thinking" metal albums... for example Scar Symmetry's Holographic Universe is based on the book The Holographic Universe which explores the idea that the universe is a hologram.

Hopefully if you get what I mean you can recommend... haha

Other "thinking" bands/albums...

Gorguts - Obscura
Deathspell Omega
Voivod - Dimension Hatross

Just some off the top of my head. I find those bands have very unique compositions that more often than not require you to pay more attention than usual.
Ah...yea it can be personally provocative I guess, I just personally interpreted the thread more as like...philosophical/reflective metal albums, which Opeth definitely don't make as we can both agree. It's more on a personal level with them.

Oh and, I second DSO 2005-present as well.
A lot of Bathory's music makes me ponder the myths that Quorthon sings about, and what it would be like to live in a world like that.
Any Pain of Salvation, except Scarsick. Lyrically and musically, very thought provocative.

Any Tool Album in my opinion would work. Opeth is a good band, definitely musically thought provoking if not lyrically.

BIG thumbs up to Spiral Architect - never read the lyrics, but the music will make your head spin.

If you want musically thought provoking metal, I would just look into progressive metal bands.

If you want something lyrically thought provoking, read some poetry. I'm serious, if you are truly looking for thought provoking material, you would be better served there.