This band is sick. In Flamesish

Yeah, they sound like modern-era In Flames and Soilwork. Actually they don't seem to define themselves from those two bands at all. Can't say it's doing anything for me.

I was hoping you meant they sounded like 90's era In Flames.
They are good musicians. But to me not really original musicians. Sounds like they are sort of twins with In Flames or something like it. Nothing really in their music that stands out of it or that can really devine or seperate them from a band like In Flames...
Not bad. They do sound a little bit In Flameish. They don't really have a distinctive sound, but overall not bad.
The production is very good. They are very talented. But, there is only one In Flames. :notworthy
Yeah. Also the title of the album reminded me of "Your Bedtime Story is Scaring Everyone" by IF.

Whatever, I'm such a big In Flames fan I'll listen to every carbon copy and love it. Thanks for the reccomendation.
I saw them live with Ektomorf about a month ago and thought they absolutly rocked live. Enough so that I bought their CD directly after thier set. Not excatly reinventing the wheel but still a very good CD.
The singer and Guitarist work at the same studio that did a lot of stuff for Britney Spears and other pop giants.
Heard their stuff a while ago and also saw a studio vid somewhere. Afaik the bald guitar player recorded/mixed the stuff.
Production is good but the songs are really copyish (is that a word?? %) ). If I remember that right, there was a song on their myspace that sounded very similar to "Swim" by In Flames. (Can't check atm)
The Bedtime Prayers CD is all good until the As I Lay Dying stolen break down riffs appear. Sorry, inspired riffs. Still not as copy catish as Caliban.
Exactly! Sweden was annexed to the US in early 2002.
I was wondering why whenever I drove an hour north I hit the Sweden border.:lol:

And I have yet to hear any American bands do the In Flames style the way Blind Colony do it. Though yes, they still copy it almost to the "T", in America thought there would be a breakdown, and no solos.....and girl pants
There is nothing wrong with copying somones style as long as you put an original spin on it to make it stand out. Just look at Scar Symmetry. You can hear a huge Soilwork influence there but they also bring a fresh new aspect to the music making really damn good.
I'm still trying to figure out why they would copy In Flames so much. These guys have talent in place so why not write some original stuff? At least rip off old In Flames material. I don't get it.