This Band Puts Opeth To Shame...

That was actually pretty cool. Those kids know how to put on a show. And they do shred for kids. I'd also bang the girl simply because she's a chick into metal.

It was kind of lame, but at the same time, those kids did show they can put on a show.
....The fat guy reminded me of Pearl from Blade 1 :cry:

Sounded like shit, but I suppose that was the main idea
the first clip made me just think it was atrocious and horrid attempted black metal by juvenile's with mental illness....

but the 2nd clip makes me think theyre a joke band.

*a sense of calm and relief washes over me*

and for the record....the guy in the back with the glasses...was a nice touch.
i thought it was funny...the dictionary definition of frostbitten was hilarious, also "you have a horrible name". opeth shirts are decidedly unkvlt though.
hahaha, that was entertaining. i'm suprised at how many of you thought they were being serious though :lol:
it looks like a high school talent show or something haha
I couldnt stop laughing.....that was awesome.......been listnein tio a lot of GWAR lately......and this was bad ass too....Killer stuff.....these kids can put on a good show.....hahahaha.....PEAC EOUT