This bothers me...


Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
Last night I was driving home, and I put on WEBN, our local rock n' roll station. I apparently missed something, because the DJ seemed really disturbed about something. He had people calling in, asking them to give their earliest memories of Ozzy Osbourne and his music. The callers were crying, I could barely make them out. Then the DJ says "for those of you just tuning in, I have some very sad news. Ozzy Osbourne has died." I was distraught. I clicked off the radio, a tear collecting around the edge of my eye. I drove home in silence, bitterly disappointed, thinking about Ozzy. I get home, turn the radio station back on, and it turns out it was a scam. The DJ said that Ozzy is alive now, but died. WEBN used passive voice to describe how Ozzy flat-lined on the operating table once or twice since his accident, but is okay. So here is our local radio station, playing a prank on the greater Cincinnati area, basically faking Ozzy's death. I checked online, and there were of course no reliable sources that mentioned his death. There are some people in my hometown who still think he's dead! I mean, people were calling in, bawling their eyes out, and here WEBN thinks they're above everyone, and can do this. It really bothered me, but a lot of people think it is no big deal. What do you guys think of this?
I've heard of stuff like that before, and I think it's messed up. Especially with a huge name like that, people are going to be affected by news of his death. I mean, a joke is a joke, and I have a sense of humor, but I guess I just fail to see comedy in pranking about the death of a legend.
There were 2 DJs up here at WAAF that did a similar thing, eccept about the mayor. They were fired and barred from ever getting on Massachusetts airwaves again...There names were Opie and Anthony...they ruled..
I don't want anyone fired or anything, and I support their free speech. I usually love the crazy stuff that WEBN does, but I dunno, that Ozzy thing just hit me pretty hard. I'm sure within the next week or so, I'll be laughing about it, anyway.
:ill: :ill: That's just sick man. You don't joke around with people's health issues. Reminds me of all the the times Bob Hope has been pronounced death, while still being live and well...I can't believe people abuse media for this. Oh well, all for the ratings I guess.
free speech does not mean you can make up lies. truth is you cant say whatever you want, not without consequence, and the people that made that story up for their ratings deserve to be fired at the very least. i think it was not only disrespectful to ozzy but disrespectful to the people who believed it and were traumatised by it.

anyway im glad ozzy is alive and recovering.
RobbM said:
There were 2 DJs up here at WAAF that did a similar thing, eccept about the mayor. They were fired and barred from ever getting on Massachusetts airwaves again...There names were Opie and Anthony...they ruled..

Heh - I go up to Boston a few times per year, and Its either WBCN or WAAF, both stations rule.

I listened to Opie and Anthony going to a Red Sox game last year or the year before, laughed meh ass off. When did they get fired?
i gave up on the radio a loooooong time ago man, ... if im in the car i'll just pop in a cd. im not the biggest Ozzy fan, but that would sure suck if he died.
urinalcakemix said:
Heh - I go up to Boston a few times per year, and Its either WBCN or WAAF, both stations rule.

I listened to Opie and Anthony going to a Red Sox game last year or the year before, laughed meh ass off. When did they get fired?

oh god, they got fired years ago, round 98 or 99. they moved to New York and had a show out there, but then this happened: "Radio personalities Opie and Anthony were fired after they encouraged listeners to have sex in public and a couple was caught and arrested for doing just that at St. Patrick's Cathedral".

Perhaps there trying to follow in the footsteps of Howard Stern, or there just complete morons, in either case, there funny as fuck..if you ever have a chance to check out this rare CD of theres
you'll prolly laugh till you piss your pants..
SilentRealm said:
wb underullospell btw.. whereve u been girl, havent seen u around in ages


I have been sooo busy around these past holidays I don't get much time to post, let alone read what you guys talk about. But I have been trying to catch up.;)
Now since the holidays are over, my work place is cracking the whip on us, alot of 6 day weeks. UGH!!!! But need the money, huh?
BTW, Glad to be back!:rock: