This doesn't sound good...

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Airbus proposes planes without seats[/FONT]

The airlines have come up with a new answer to an old question: How many passengers can be squeezed into economy class?

A lot more, it turns out, especially if an idea still in the early stage should catch on: standing-room-only "seats."

Airbus has been quietly pitching the standing-room-only option to Asian carriers, though none has agreed to it yet. Passengers in the standing section would be propped against a padded backboard, held in place with a harness, according to experts who have seen a proposal.

I mean, it might be kinda cool if the fare was cut in half, but somehow I don't think that's gonna happen.
yeah, wow, wtf. for short hops this might be ok but other than that what the hell are they thinking? a lot of businesses could save money by greatly inconveniencing their customers but most of them don't, for reasons that should be obvious
that sounds assinine, but then again Asians have hotels resembling dog houses, so they might go for it.

the airline industry is due for a major revolution for a long time ...
it would be cool to see planes where people hang outside doors ala trains in India :loco: