This Downloading thing is getting pretty serious!


From the vastly deep
Jun 17, 2002
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Damn! They are cracking down on file sharing! Did you guys hear on the news today about the first wave of people getting busted for downloading? They have been able to settle for like $2000 to avoid being sued for I think it was between $350 and $700 for each file downloaded..or something like that??!! Crazy shit! Some old man in Texas got busted and he was all..I don't download things from the must have been my grandkids..I don't watch what they are doing when they are on the net. They told him tough pay the're responsible! This sux the hell am I gonna know if I like something new before I buy it? 261 poor random bastards got sued today...WTF?
There just making examples of them. Some ACLU lawyer will take these cases pro-bono and they'll get dropped. It sounds like they are cracking down on people that listen to mainstream radio crap. I won't start worrying until they start busting people people like us...THEN IT'S A FUCKING CRISIS! ;)
I also read something that now Universal says they're going to slightly lower the prices of their CDs.
a guy... said:
I also read something that now Universal says they're going to slightly lower the prices of their CDs.

Yep they were gonna lower it to 12 dollars.. But only in America for now.. So be good guinee pigs and buy lots of Universal cd's (no idea what bands are on there actually.. :s ) so other countries and labels will follow their example
Hearse said:
The law suits like that can only go trough in USA...
Like in Finland that would never happen.
if someone beats you in hospital condition... you only get about 1000 euros pain money if you get the guy in court.
You can kill a guy driving over by a car, and get only tickets :loco:

Well actually those law suits can happen anywhere.. Why? Because labels - especially the big ones - are driving forces of the economy and have a lot of power that way. In Belgium you can't go prosecuting everyone that assaulted you or got your new shirt dirty by spilling a cup of coffee on it, like in the States, but when a large company wants to sue you, they can do it. Cause they have the money and power to do so.
And the shitty thing is, they're starting to do it. Some weeks ago BMG sued a 13-year old girl because she had a copied cd with a song of our local "Idols"-winner (who by the way is a metalhead ;) ). They wanted her parents to pay a huge fine and stuff... Thank god their pathetic attempt to set an example backfired. They got so much negative reactions on it that they just dropped the whole thing and just made her give them the copied cd..
MindInsane said:
Damn! They are cracking down on file sharing! Did you guys hear on the news today about the first wave of people getting busted for downloading? They have been able to settle for like $2000 to avoid being sued for I think it was between $350 and $700 for each file downloaded..or something like that??!! Crazy shit! Some old man in Texas got busted and he was all..I don't download things from the must have been my grandkids..I don't watch what they are doing when they are on the net. They told him tough pay the're responsible! This sux the hell am I gonna know if I like something new before I buy it? 261 poor random bastards got sued today...WTF?

That is why I posted this a month ago or so. They now want a signature like you stated and they say they wont sue ya. MY ASS THEY WON'T. They want you to admit it. There has to be some kind of catch to it. LOL @ TL about the Nursery rhymes.

The record companies as we all know have been ripping us off for years. I know for a fact that depending on production etc, you can get away with selling a cd for around $6.00. If they do sell cd's at around $12.00, I'll buy everything I've always wanted.
I'm with you Val! I buy my metal mags at Barnes and Noble (because they have a pretty decent selection..and usually have my 3 mags I always buy) Sometimes I venture into their cd section to look and end up getting pissed off at the $17 price tag on them and leave! That's assinine! Especially when yo can buy a dvd of a brand new movie all day long at Costco for $17.99!
I don't understand why they don't just go after the websites that provide the service which allows people to fileshare..I would think that would fix the problem a hell of a lot quicker!
Valofvalhalla said:
That is why I posted this a month ago or so. They now want a signature like you stated and they say they wont sue ya. MY ASS THEY WON'T. They want you to admit it. There has to be some kind of catch to it. LOL @ TL about the Nursery rhymes.

And now they are being sued because of 'the catch'.

From the article:

It is "designed to induce members of the general incriminate themselves and provide the RIAA and others with actionable admissions of wrongdoing under penalty of perjury while (receiving) legally binding release of return," according to the complaint."
Atropos said:
And now they are being sued because of 'the catch'.

It is "designed to induce members of the general incriminate themselves and provide the RIAA and others with actionable admissions of wrongdoing under penalty of perjury while (receiving) legally binding release of return," according to the complaint."

I knew it. I would NEVER sign anything! Admit to nothing!!! Right guys? :tickled:
MindInsane said:
I don't understand why they don't just go after the websites that provide the service which allows people to fileshare..I would think that would fix the problem a hell of a lot quicker!
they tried this a while ago... they attempted to shut down Kazaa and Grokster... a court ruled that they hadn't done anytihng wrong....
The common Idea is that, you can't fucking stop the internet pirating. I don't know, I just don't know. I know a friend who read a sci fi novel that dealt with intelectual property theft as punishable offense by death. I know that is Sci Fi but sometimes authors can pick up on things that could be possible futures. I see this effort as a last ditch effort on the recording industry because, lets face it, no one buys their music when they burn it. I'm not saying every one here pirates their music because, heavy metal, although on the rise (woohooo), is primarily underground. That being said, every band deserves the money for their album. I buy all my music because I'm a devout believer that if you like the band, you'll support them. And I don't care what statistics say because they can be bent, records sales haven't boosted because of "file sharing." The thing is, why will mary lou buy the new britney spears album, when she can go to granpa's house and make comp cd with all her favorite singles on one cd-r that probably cost .75-1 dollar?

I think that cd prices should be drastically lowered. I mean 12 bucks isn't to much for a cd, but thats what I get them off the net for. Not every one shops the internet. If your really think how much a CD cost, especially if its mass produced, It's gotta cost somewhere in the fraction of a dollar, and the fact that people should pay over 15 dollars for it is fucking ubsurd. I do think that the industry is bunch of money grubbing assholes, but you can't kill the cancer without making the patient sick. Artists are gonna get fucked and thats the sad part because they shouldn't.

Personally, I think piracy is fucking out of hand. Something should be done about it. I mean you can find every movie and album on the net before it even is released. It's fucking badnews for the artists that make the music. If their isn't any one buying records, their is no one making records.
Even if you could somehow kill all the P2P applications out there you still couldn't stop filesharing. I could go to and start my own filesharing message board for free in 5 minutes. All you need is a couple people with servers and an FTP application. People w/public servers post their file lists, IP addresses, port numbers, username/passwords, etc. People w/private servers just ask you to email them if you want an account. People trade, swap and all that. MP3's are just the start. Think about the software makers. Warez sites cost them BILLIONS every year in lost revenue, and coders can't have a concert like bands to try and make a little $$$. Filesharing in not going away anytime soon.