Downloading/Pirating Music.

Ryu Kamigawa said:
I, Personally cannot stand when people think downloading, song, after song is alright. It doesn't give the artist the feedback they deserve, considering they work their asses off for our entertainment.

Well, its OK to download music if you want to know what an artist/band style is like before buying it (Exactly what i did with Symphony X).

Are you find with it, or against it?


I download as a way to do "quality control" on any CD I might be thinking about buying, because it saves me the worry that I might waste money on a CD that has no good tracks on it, or not enough to justify the purchase.

I actually purchase MORE because of it than I would have otherwise.

Opeth and Blind Guardian in particular have "illegal downloading" to thank for the fact that I bought (or am working on buying) just about every thing they've ever released, both CDs and DVDs. That's a couple hundred dollars of spending because I downloaded. And there were other bands, like Symphony X, Dream Theater, and Ayreon, that because I got my introduction to metal through downloading, I ended up being confident enough to buy even though I didn't really download their stuff. That's another couple hundred dollars the record industry has downloading to thank for the fact that I bought it.

I am and will ALWAYS be an avid CD collector, and while it's been awhile since I've actually counted what I own, I'm pretty sure it's upwards of 200. That number will only go up, because if I like something, I want it at full quality with no MP3 compression, with all the artwork, and no chance of losing it should my hard drive crash. But I care about collecting what's really good and worth it, and downloading is one of the ways I find out what fits my tastes and belongs in my collection.

P.S.: Blind Guardian totally supports free trading of their band's MP3's and actually got pissed off when they found out that their European label copy-protected their recent "Live" CD. So even if you don't agree with any free downloading at all, leave off me for that one. :P
This is a topic that gets talked about alot...somehow everytime I learn some very insightful new things...

I'm on both sides of the fence... I have some friends who literally have DVDs and Music comming outa the 91 Cd's burned, lets justg say average of 20$ a CD...Than they offer it to friends, and more friends...To me Downloading music for your own PERSONAL use is fine, I dunno about the rest of you but I enjoy authentic copies...So even if I download a whole album for free...I will when I get the money purchase the real copy!

For example, when I first got into Symphony X I heard the Intro to Infero and my buddy sent me a copy of Awakenings (off of the Symp X Official website) I after a month of hearing this needed to; get more...I dunno about you but when you are going to school all the time (high school during this period) have no job, meaning no cash-and don't have parents, aunts or auncles who spoil you, or a way of transport to get to a GOOD music store that can actually get you these cd' need your music! This is where downloading comes in, I got a pirated version of the Odyssey...And now I own authentic copies of all the cd's (including the Odyssey) if I did not download that music I probably would have never bought them. Their is 3 worlds of pirating in my opinion...You have those who download in mass quantities and sell this shit at low prices...They do this for a living, I think this is ENTIRELY wrong and is making good artists (or bad ones) lose money in mass qauntities. Than their is those who just download everything they can so when you go to their place you see STACKS of Cd's and DVDs that they spent burning, this is also way out of control... Than you have those people who don't have money, credit card, or per-say internet acess... My computer and internet connection is so old school it takes up my phone line (56kbs anyone?) to get Kazaa, Bear Share, Bit Torrent...Limewire would be painfully slow, Imagine downloading a 24 minute TOP quality song, like 'THe ODyssey' just wont happen! Its a shame that their are idiots out their who abuse the right... But I do agree with others in the forum...if we had a service where you could download songs from 1 album (or the whole album) at a small fee and this money goes straight to the would be very profitable, very resourceful! Not only would it be advertisement for bands, but a place for us as mucis lovers to find what you want!Looking for new Prog bands...Wham type it in get a list...get like 1 free sample per album, it would be excellent than you pay a fee and you get the whole album... of course only 1 album from each band could be like this...from this site they can give you information on where to order/pick up this music! Just that simple...I know it prefer that than seeing my friends and strangers on the news having their computers revoked and fines of 22,000$ for piracy!
I buy many cd's and especially cd's from less known bands, who need the money, but most cd here cost about 20 $ AND THAT's A DISGRACE!
DrumRman said:
It all depends. Im a download whore. I also BUY everything I dpwnload I like with one exception. If its an out of print CD, and not in print. I have no problems d/l it and not searching ebay for a high collectors price.

I agree though that way too many people abuse the file sharing way, and never support the artists.

Not cool.

I am 100% with you on this. I'm also against the whole "bonus tracks" thing.
I'll buy a band's release, but it'll be a cold day in hell when I pay $30 for a bonus track equipped import cd. Seems like a lot of bands are going with the bonus disc thing. I have no problems with that. If it wasn't for the ability to dl, even back in my 26,400 connection days, There's an asspile of bands I would not have found out about, Sy-X is one of them, and Freak Kitchen are another (found while looking for Zappa MP3s on the old Napster)

I support artists, I do not support mainstream media extortion. I buy CDs and merch at shows and from bands directly when I can, I want them to make money so they can keep making killer music. At the same time, a big FU to the MPAA, RIAA, and MPA, for making music fans feel like criminals for checking out music they refuse to provide previews of, or triple the price of, for no rational reason at all except to line their golden pockets.
I have a big CD collection, and I have a big mp3 collection. I have old concert tickets and I have official band merchandise (posters, t-shirts etc).

I buy CDs, not only because I want to support bands, and I download mp3s, but not because I don't want to support bands.
What about downloading live concert footage. Does everyone view that in the same light as downloading mp3's? I guess I view it a bit differently because in this case, most likely the material won't ever be officially released to the public. So basically if you want it, it can only be obtained via download.
rockyracoon said:
What about downloading live concert footage. Does everyone view that in the same light as downloading mp3's? I guess I view it a bit differently because in this case, most likely the material won't ever be officially released to the public. So basically if you want it, it can only be obtained via download.
I share this opinion. I know that some bands *cough*Symphony X*cough* hate bootlegs, although I'm not completely certain of the reason. I think it has to do with bootlegs not reflecting the band's true quality. Well that doesn't matter to me, since I know how quality they are and to celebrate this I want to hear everything they've done even if it's a poor recording.
i download songs if there is only like one song from and album that i like, and i would never consider buying the album anyway... if i like several songs on an album, i buy it.
Jesus when I first started out I did exactly the same thing as Kronikle, downloaded Divine Wings then Images and Words and I was sold forever.

However I far from advocate downloading albums these days, once I got into the scene and the veil of ignorance had departed I realised that these guys that I idolise and gave so much joy were more or less guys off the street who had to work, had families to support etc.

This stuff isn't the mass produced, pre-written, glitzy hollow glamour shite of the mainstream. No, you won't see Michael Romeo on MTV's cribs showing off his diamond encased 16th century bedroom ceiling mirror so he can see his own monkeys ass when raggin Christina Aguilera ala 50 cent.

This is real, musicians that put their heart and soul into their music and see little return, basically they do it for the music. For me, this is the moral high ground that will separate the thieves from the fans.

Many bands these days have a procedure whereby you can download and listen to a few songs and decide from there whether or not you buy and that’s how I work these days. They give something to you, you give something back, it's a fair arrangement that keeps both parties happy.

Two examples, now and again I like the music of Dragonforce although it wears thin after while I still like the genre when I'm in the mood. A new band hyped to the hills called Gaia Epicus were mentioned often so I checked them out, I downloaded one song from their website and, well in all honesty I thought it was awful, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Dreamscape, two days ago after seeing advertising for their new album plastered everywhere I decided to download one song, again from their website. My jaw smacked the floor and surf was up from the subsequent drool, within 16 seconds I ordered the album 'very' from Amazon and I wet my pants in anticipation (it keeps you warm in cold winters, try that one if you want to save money cheapskate).

Do you see how this works now?? When you say I haven't got the money this is just the standard kop out to give yourself a reason to download as you sit on your nice new computer in Gordon Gecco attire you fuckin hypocrites you!

Downloading whole albums in my opinion is theft. I don't care how you paint it. I used to do it but consequently saw the light, a golden halo now resides 2 inches above my head.
Alexander*_Reborn said:
Dreamscape, two days ago after seeing advertising for their new album plastered everywhere I decided to download one song, again from their website. My jaw smacked the floor and surf was up from the subsequent drool, within 16 seconds I ordered the album 'very' from Amazon and I wet my pants in anticipation (it keeps you warm in cold winters, try that one I you want to save money cheapskate).

Do you see how this works now?? When you say I haven't got the money this is just the standard kop out to give yourself a reason to download as you sit on your nice new computer in Gordon Gecco attire you fuckin hypocrites you!

That whole thing about Dreamspace was a very touching story, which I could relate to the first time I ever heard Symphony X.

I have 2 friends who I hate now, that constantly used that excuse for downloading songs. It was one thing when they were downloading Megadeth and Judas Priest's entire discographies, but when they did that to Symphony X, Dream Theater and Dragonforce, that just made me see red. But thats not why I hate them though. (At least I dont think it is.)
Yea I think its ok to get like parts of a song or maybe even a whole song to get to see what a band sounds like but if you continue to download song after song it kinda ruins the artists purpose of getting a record label
It seems like mostly everyone here has the same sort of attitude when it comes to downloading music, an attitude which I share. And that is basically theres nothing wrong with downloading a few songs from an album to see if you think it is worth buying. If it is, then out of respect for the band, you try and buy it.

As is the sentiment of several people here, without the ability to download we simply will never have heard of the bands we now love, so in that regard downloading actually helps bands gain a fanbase.

I have alot of albums that my boyfriend buys online and burns for me or brings over for me to upload to my computer, and if theyre just ok then I dont make any effort to get my own copies, but then theres some which I have every intention of getting myself once my debit card finally arrives (its only taken about 3 years but I finally have one coming. Ebay here I come!)

If we dont support our bands, how will they know we are out there?
My personal experience:
About three years ago, one friend said me:"I read that SymphonyX are cool!". So I downloaded Fallen from V album. So I bought every of their CD album and I went to the Gods of Metal 2004 just to see them. So in this case downloading was good.
The same thing happened with Dream Theater: I downloaded 2 songs, then I bought every studio album, 4 DVDs and I watched 5 of their concerts. So in this case downloading was good again...
No this issue doesn't require a team a neo-philosophers and PhD’s to outline the ethical considerations.

Try before you buy then buy if you like. It couldn't be clearer from my view. Scumbags love to justify stealing entire albums with the 'no money' argument of the 'it's good for the industry if my next door neighbour hears it then buys the entire collection (even though she is 85 and has Lou Gahrig's disease').

It's just ignorance and theft.
I think music downloading is great. It would be so difficult to have heard about many bands without it for me. I don't have enough extra cash to be "gambling" so I try to choose what I buy wisely.
I'm all for downloading, but I do buy cd's and have bought every SX studio album as well as other metal bands all thanks for file sharing. If it wasn't for downloading, I don't think I'd be talking to you guys on this messageboard and I might still be listening to snoop dogg and watching mtv. Thank you mp3s!