This forum is evil!


...Of Melancholy Burning
When I browse this forum, there always is this 'Users browsing this forum at the moment' thingy on top of this page... Somehow it seems, that some guy named Hedon is always in the list of users browsing the forum at the moment...

Am I the only one who is starting to get scared, that Niklas got addicted to this forum, and spends all his time here, rather than writing great music, as he should!!???

:eek: :eek: :eek:
The fact Niklas is addicted to this forum or not doesn't matters, actually matters the fact he sometimes post something but he doesn't post in the good threads, like At The Flames one! And we all are addicted to that threads! Hehehehe.
I have never noticed the "Users browsing this forum at the moment" thingie...oh... kind of impressive...well, now Phyros is browsing the forum..... I feel like I have discovered hot water but glad the
Originally posted by Skald

Phyre is a Linux fan :) I prefer FreeBSD, btw. Linux is now on the sinful way of MustDie Windblows...:err:

maybe I missed not a huge computer head (who would have thought theres bickering between computer applications...just like metal!), what does that have to do with phyres avatar?
nice change of avatar you got there too astarte, hell of a lot better than that old small jester emotic on you had a while back hehe.
My avatar is about an old mith from Norway, in a little place where still are living people that believe in robots. I heard something 'bout a man called... Matt Groen... Groennin... I really don't know. But I like my mythological avatar, and that's the truth (or not). :tickled:
-> "this board is evil"

Sure as hell it is! It keeps me from studying, and I´m in great need of that now! And it´s your fault! All of you!! I will hold you responsible if I fail!!

studying... whaaaAAt??? hmm... kinda reminds me of the fact that i have this math exam tomorrow, and there are still a few chapters that i only have read through once so far...
hmm... i wonder what i am still doing here...
@|ngenius: yeap I'm in that order too. The Knights Who Say Bot. Those we are, and we wait for the come of the Mighty Bender to take us to the paradise (with blackjack, and hookers....nah, forget about the jack :p)