this guy is such a jerk!

I thought this was going to be that video of that guy knocking down the four-year-old to get the ball, but it was some story about the Chicago Times inflating its readership numbers. I kept waiting for the dude in the background to whip it out or something, but nothing!
as i said on the "other board", he really didn't do much to the kid, and he certainly hasn't acted any differently than any of the other 1000000 baseball assholes i see wandering around the streets shouting FAGGOT and shoving each other every game-day.
the funny part is the kid looks totally undisturbed and also totally not excited to get the bat/balls/attention. I mean it's hard to tell anything because of the shitty video quality but yeah. the commentary is awesome.
the kid is only four years old! the poor thing. he was probably totally confused. that guy was a complete douchebag i mean... you just don't jump over a seat and risk knocking a toddler out for a ball.
if you are a sane, rational, sensible person you just don't jump over a seat and risk knocking a toddler out for a ball.

however, if you are just so passionate about the game and getting a piece of it then being a dick is perfectly acceptable apparently.