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Dime Mayhave been cool, But Pantera FUCKING BLOWS, So Does PHIL THE ASSHOLE, I was At L'mours in brooklyn before FAGTERA Got popular they opened for DEATH and Phil jumped into the pit while Death was playing, We were slamming together and when i bumped into him he started whinning and got 2 bouncers to start harrassing me.
Most of there music was a rip off from Exhorder, Slayer, Megadeth etc. Not only that but take a look at the music they put out before Cowboys from hell, Motley Crue and Poison style, I guess they couldnt sell a record so they joined the Thrash Scene and All you Poseurs jumped on the band wagon, When you talk about Death to False Metal, Now you know why They aren't around anymore. God Bless Daryls Soul But Fuck Fagtera.
nosferatunj said:
Dime Mayhave been cool, But Pantera FUCKING BLOWS, So Does PHIL THE ASSHOLE, I was At L'mours in brooklyn before FAGTERA Got popular they opened for DEATH and Phil jumped into the pit while Death was playing, We were slamming together and when i bumped into him he started whinning and got 2 bouncers to start harrassing me.
Most of there music was a rip off from Exhorder, Slayer, Megadeth etc. Not only that but take a look at the music they put out before Cowboys from hell, Motley Crue and Poison style, I guess they couldnt sell a record so they joined the Thrash Scene and All you Poseurs jumped on the band wagon, When you talk about Death to False Metal, Now you know why They aren't around anymore. God Bless Daryls Soul But Fuck Fagtera.

Hurray! Someone who agrees that they were an Exhorder rip off!

*buys nosferatunj a pint*
I know who Exhorder is, and I think they are awesome, but Dime was still a far better guitar player. Pantera def did get their sound from Exhorder, but all in all I just like them better.
for anyone who says shit about old pantera can ggf'd,these guys were kids and were just emulating the bands that they were into at the time,who are u to tell them what they shoulda been into at the time,they paid there dues and u cannot deny there originality no matter what anyone says,exhorder couldnt write cfh vulgar fbd tgst or reinventing the steel,yes its badluck they didnt make it but they had there chance,i am sure the world was big enough for both of them,its all about the music guys and gals,hell many great bands were doing covers befroe they found the right magic,bands like black sabbath and beatles for example!!!
OK, I guess I'm going to have to find some Exhorder to listen to so I'll know who in the hell you're always comparing Pantera to. I do have to say though, NOTHING IN MUSIC IS ORIGINAL!!! It never has been, it never will be. Every style of music is derived from some other style of music or a combination of other styles. That is the bottom line. So when anyone says "This band ripped off that band" It's a moot point, because every band ripped of other bands.
mrthrax said:
u cannot deny there originality

Yes I can, they stole another band's sound which is totally unoriginal.

mrthrax said:
exhorder couldnt write cfh vulgar fbd tgst or reinventing the steel

You're correct on that one: the Exhorder albums (especially Slaughter in the Vatican) piss all over all the Pantera albums.

RTS is totally shite, why did you list it?!

mrthrax said:
many great bands were doing covers befroe they found the right magic,bands like black sabbath and beatles for example!!!

In Pantera's case you mean 'stole the right magic'.
MikeyBong said:
OK, I guess I'm going to have to find some Exhorder to listen to so I'll know who in the hell you're always comparing Pantera to. I do have to say though, NOTHING IN MUSIC IS ORIGINAL!!! It never has been, it never will be. Every style of music is derived from some other style of music or a combination of other styles. That is the bottom line. So when anyone says "This band ripped off that band" It's a moot point, because every band ripped of other bands.

True, but there are different degrees of influence:

Exhorder were heavily influenced by Slayer, Possessed and early 80s hardcore whereas Pantera were influenced by KISS, Black Sabbath and trannies yet both bands ended up sounding remarkably similar.

Pantera totally denied and disregarded their influences when they brought Phil on board who, to this day, claims to be influenced by early 80s hardcore. By 1988, Glamtera's sound was going out of fashion so, like many other Hair Metal bands, tried to get with the times and emerge into the 90s as something that would sell. Pantera could actually achieve this because no one knew who they, or Exhorder, were and seeing as they weren't thrash or hair metal they were ok to listen to under the rules of grunge.


Never Heard these guys before, I'm not Disapointed, Well worth a Listen! Like a Crunchy Cereal that breaks your teeth, but taste so good! :D