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Yo I have a 400 disc CD changer and I always listen to it on Random, My Wife Unfortunately Likes Fagtera, I will not alow it in my machine, The other day Slaughter in the Vatican came on and She was like "wow these guys are a rip off of Fagtera" I quickly corrected her, This is coming from a woman who can't tell the difference between 5.1 surround sound and Mono. They don't sound anything like Slayers Tom Araya. Now we know why you are a Fagtera fan, If you can't tell the difference between Slayer and Exhorder you need to get out of the Metal scene and Start listening to 25 Cent and Brittany cause they sound the same to me, Although I would do Brittany in a heart beat LOL.
nosferatunj said:
Yo I have a 400 disc CD changer and I always listen to it on Random, My Wife Unfortunately Likes Fagtera, I will not alow it in my machine, The other day Slaughter in the Vatican came on and She was like "wow these guys are a rip off of Fagtera" I quickly corrected her, This is coming from a woman who can't tell the difference between 5.1 surround sound and Mono. They don't sound anything like Slayers Tom Araya. Now we know why you are a Fagtera fan, If you can't tell the difference between Slayer and Exhorder you need to get out of the Metal scene and Start listening to 25 Cent and Brittany cause they sound the same to me, Although I would do Brittany in a heart beat LOL.

Haha! That sucks about your wife man!

Fagtera: awesome haha!
Thanks for those, I like these Exhorder tracks and yes I think they sound like a rougher version of Pantera but I think Pantera were ultimately a better band with better songs.
I didnt think pantera sounded anything like them, just the vocals
which was rumored that Phil had throat cancer and that was why his voice sounded like that...I still dont believe it