This has to be the most ridiculously awesome thing to ever hit the internet.


Welcum 2 my funeral

This has been floating around the internet for about two months now, but it's my guess that many of the denizens of the Katatonia forum have not yet been exposed to it.

If you're allergic to gay, I strongly suggest that you do not watch this, unless you have copious amounts of benadryl on hand.

Best of all, due to my ultra sexy style, I somehow managed to crack this guy's top friends on Myspace, and today he commented on one of my pics *swoooooooon*

I'm eagerly anticipating a Katatonia cover of this song, pronto.
are you on drugs?

No... but I have channeled myself into a different dimension; an altered state of reality if you will. I no longer dwell on earth, as I have found that it is easy to overcome the burdens and follies of men by ascending within myself to planet sexy.

People may think this sounds foolish, but one glance at my Myspace and you shall be inundated by my ultra-krvnk lyfestyle. You can not argue with the results!
he's serious, I think..
His Majesty has acknowledged my existence!

"what what mr Lord Darksoul

Body: thanks for the compliment. i am humbled. and yes i do try to keep things hot... what what;) just kidding.

You should not worry you're pretty hot yourself, especially with the doggie. I'm totally into pets.

Maybe sometime soon i'll be in your neck of the woods and you'll be sure and show up and we can bring sexy back. again thanks for the love to Samwell. you rock mister. take care. much love


S. "

Samwell is seriously the best guy ever! His smile is so genuine and bright, I am sure he makes just as great of a best friend as he does a butt lover!
LDS.....I think your definitely one of most interesting doods on this forum.....I wish you posted more here.....everytime you post I am reminded of some sort of sexy misadventure I have had.....:) ....and your wife is very stunning....
LDS.....I think your definitely one of most interesting doods on this forum.....I wish you posted more here.....everytime you post I am reminded of some sort of sexy misadventure I have had.....:) ....and your wife is very stunning....

I very much appreciate your kind words, and I reciprocate your sentiments. I will strive to post here more in the near future. I am fully aware that my posts bring alot of sexyness to this forum and that it is appreciated by all of you, especially the ladies and the gays. I lurk on this forum quite a bit, but generally do so as a means to proscratinate and avoid engaging in school related functions. I entitle myself to a few minutes here and there of browsing, but often feel guilty for applying keystrokes to internet postings that would otherwise be used for academia.

In the next 8 days, I have two take home tests (between 12-15 pages typed), two research reports (one of which I have tenatively titled "The Virtues of Dr. Kevorkian: A True American Hero"), and a presentation to give. Oh, and I'm working 40 hours this week, too. Once school is out for the semester I will have ample free time on my hands, because frankly just working full time feels like a vacation at this point. I will definetly internet here with you all some more in the near future!

Until then, HAIL SATAN.