This is a Nick Cave thread


Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
There's a few Nick Cave fans out there, I seen 'em. Recently picked up this Nick Cave and Warren Ellis collab/comp called "White Lunar" that has a bunch of their soundtrack work on it from things like The Assassination of Jesse James, The Proposition and The Road. Honestly some of the most crushing music I've ever heard. Can't wait to see The Road now - should be soul destroying to say the least. Anyone else read it?

So I've also got a few Bad Seeds records - Let Love In, Tender Prey, Dig Lazarus Dig, The Lyre of Orpheus/Abattoir Blues, The Boatman's Call, Murder Ballads and No More Shall We Part. But I've never heard any Birthday Party or Grinderman, or any of his other records, and I simply NEED to know whether or not I'm missing out here. Suggestions?
I only have heard the first BIRTHDAY PARTY album, Hee-Haw. It's..... fucked up. Think MR. BUNGLE doing serial killer music. I think I have the mp3s for the 2nd album sitting around somewhere too....

From Her To Eternity is just as fucked up as Hee-Haw, but not as spastic. It's like whiskey-soaked blues with Cave going batshit at the mic for ten minutes at a time.

Also: Cave's first band, THE BOYS NEXT DOOR, put out a very good album called Door, Door. It's more of a post-punk kind of thing, pretty melodic and catchy, with a couple of very strong tracks.

Have not heard GRINDERMAN.....
I hadn't actually realised that they're released anything as The Boys Next Door. I'll have to keep my eye out for that stuff, and From Her to Eternity, that sounds right up my alley.

You should check out this Cave/Ellis "White Lunar" thing because even though it's mostly ambient soundtrack stuff, it's really fucking good.
Nick Cave is die Bombe. I've not heard much of The Birthday Party, and only heard what Grinderman has been played on Triple J. Peeved I missed his last round of concerts though, both as Grinderman and as the Bad Seeds.
Yeah I'm in an almost constant state of facepalm for having missed the ATP gig. Although he did bring Michael Gira out for us, and I did catch that, and it was STUNNING, so... fair compromise.
Someone once sent me a CD-R collection of the entire Nick Cave catalogue. They sat.

5 years later someone else made me watch 10 of his videos. Some really good stuff there. Some really mediocre as well.
And the Ass Saw the Angel is one of the most horrific and amazing books I have ever read, definately worth reading.
As for boys next door, that was the first name for the Birthday Party. Nico, I have about 11 of his albums back up home. I'll lend them all to you over Christmas if you're missing any.
Grinderman's not bad, got that around here too, but I am sure you can find it easy enough.
Cave's new book, The death of Bunny Munroe is well worth a read...
There's a few Nick Cave fans out there, I seen 'em. Recently picked up this Nick Cave and Warren Ellis collab/comp called "White Lunar" that has a bunch of their soundtrack work on it from things like The Assassination of Jesse James, The Proposition and The Road. Honestly some of the most crushing music I've ever heard. Can't wait to see The Road now - should be soul destroying to say the least. Anyone else read it?

So I've also got a few Bad Seeds records - Let Love In, Tender Prey, Dig Lazarus Dig, The Lyre of Orpheus/Abattoir Blues, The Boatman's Call, Murder Ballads and No More Shall We Part. But I've never heard any Birthday Party or Grinderman, or any of his other records, and I simply NEED to know whether or not I'm missing out here. Suggestions?

You're missing out on two of his masterpieces - The Firstborn Is Dead and The Good Son. Nocturama also has some great songs like Bring It On which is one of my faves but the rest of the album is like The Boatman's call so if you like his softer stuff then get it.
Grinderman 2 was released a week or so ago. It's good. More refined than the first record. Fairly reminiscent of the Bad Seeds material at times, but it has its own edge. Heathen Child is the current single:

The Lyre of Orpheus just clicked with me a couple days ago. I'm impressed. Third or fourth listen was when I got used to it for whatever reason.
Anyone read his Novel, And The Ass Saw The Angel? I own it and have not yet read it.

Hell yeah. It takes a while to get adjusted to his style/language, but after a few chapters the journey starts and you can dive into the text and wander along with the characters.