A new, sober, thread about single malt scotch whisky thread.

Just for kicks, mostly because my mind is always in a unique state after band practice, I searched for "balvenie" on eBay. I had already assumed that selling booze on there was verboten, but was curious anyhow.

I found many empty bottles on there for sale. People are buying empty bottles of scotch on the eBay. Empty. Fucking. Bottles. There is no scotch in them. This is why I continually find humanity so god damn perplexing.
here's a fun holiday idea for your guests: buy one of those empty Balvenie bottles, fill it back up with Johnnie Walker RED, and then scoff at and demean everyone for their lack of refined palette as they choke and puke up the pure gasoline you have tricked them into drinking.
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Lagavulin. The fuck you scotch.

I get a bottle once every 5 years and enjoy it for being one cantankerous asshole of a whisky. This is the old man across the street that calls you a pussy for going to work sober and listening to moist music. He may be a dick, but he's probably right.

Behind the burned bandaid immediate note, I enjoy the lengthy followup complexity of the stuff. On occasion. Random internet search reveals the following review:

"like drinking a campfire"

I'm gonna agree with that. Dram number two of tonight will be Oban though.
Hmm. I find Laphroaig far less intense, in both complexity and fuckyouedness. By a country mile or more really. Almost the Diet Coke version of Lagavulin. But similar enough, sure.

I actually prefer Laphroaig to Lagavulin if we're talking Royal Carnage Death Match, for whatever that is worth. I'm a simple man really, with <$50 / bottle tastes.
Dude, as far as FUCK YOU- ness, nothing really beats Laphroaig. It’s not even close. I’m not a huge fan of either nowadays though, tbh.

the last bottle of Lag16 I bought tasted like watered down garbage actually. I have half a bottle of it away.
I watched a Balvenie video once that talked about how they get letters from fans sometimes that say "oi this last bottle was different from the last, wtf" and their reply is "aye, shit's organic, innit" which has been my experience in, well, life, really.

That being said, every bottle of Lagavulin I've had (only about 4 total), unlike any other scotch, ever, has slapped me in the face and called me a bitch.
Do you cats drink several drams a session? Ive found I could only tolerate a dram+ of scotch before I start feeling like fn shit. Is this what you mean by F You? I just cant do this stuff, but keep it shelved as a curbing mechanism to rein myself in. When it comes to Tequila one shot always leads to 8, feel fine af, and more oft than not it peps me up like a 10-2-4 of the Doc's house blend. All my mojado espalda sangre esta adentro carnales.