This is hilarious!

Ravnanger said:
agreed! I feel sorry for those who can't handle self-irony

I don't take offense to any of it, if that's what you're implying. I just think it's really pointless and boring. They seem to have put no thought into their "jokes". Like the band logo thing for example. If they had, instead of simply using a jumble of words, actually used something that might be misinterpreted for the logos (for example: I've heard Emperor's logo confused for Cropcrop and Dimmu Borgir's logo confused for Mormon Roar) I could at least give them a 2 out of 10.
Wow, you guys don't have to be so negative...remember, I didn't invent the site, I only recommended it. We obviously have very different sense of humors...but c'mon, have you checked out the "How to be a Metalhead" page? Check out the Dream Theater reference and tell me it's not funny!