God To The Godless
I think there should be a Sesame Steet and Muppet heavy metal band. Ya got Cookie Monster on vox, Animal on drums..... who else?
Intoxicator said:Generic, growly vocals = cookie monster.
Edgecrusher said:I think there should be a Sesame Steet and Muppet heavy metal band. Ya got Cookie Monster on vox, Animal on drums..... who else?
Intoxicator said:Yeah. Good growled vocals? BEHEMOTH!
Killbot said:I don't think the term cookie monster vocals has to mean that the vocals are shitty... i've seen it used juist as a description of growly type vocals, not necessarily implying that the vocals are bad.
Vital Remains said:yeah i know man but the fact someone would refer general growly type vocals as cookie monster vocals is insulting. i dont want to think of the fucking cookie monster while i listen to death metal. it freaks me out.
Intoxicator said:Whether you like it or not, Nergal's growls are more powerful than all.