This is how it's done ;)

The trick is to eat less, but more often, and exercise upper/lower body every other day. Here's my current average week routine:

Monday - upper body workout in gym
Tuesday - soccer (lower body, naturally)
Wednesday - upper body in gym
Thursday - soccer
Friday - upper body in gym
Saturday - rollerskating 10 km (if sunny), or bicycling 25 km (if rainy)
Sunday - rejuvenating from the week workout

And the average feeding habits:

07:00, breakfast: one bowl of yoghurt all bran with milk, and two gulps of c-vitamin drinks (with 1 dl = 50 % of daily c-vitamin)
09:00, intermission: one apple
11:00, lunch: the main meal of the day, about 200 g of meat (beef, chicken, reindeer, pork, salmon) and 200 g of macaroni/potato/couscous/rice
14:00, intermission: one slice of bread with omega-3 containing butter, 5% cheese, two slices of cucumber, and sauna-smoked ham
17:00, intermission: one apple
19:00, intermission: one slice of bread, as above
21:00, evening meal: 100 g of plain tuna + 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese

For drinks, I drink berry soups with very low carb amounts.

You should start the day with carbohydrates, and end the day with protein (so that your muscles can revive overnight after exercise + your brain needs it), for best results. Do not eat carbs in the evening, especially before sleeping, because it'll be absorbed by your body as body fat (not to be confused with food fat, which is used by your guts to improve excrement flow).

Here's some quick info about food ingredients:

Protein - building blocks of muscles and brains, you should get about 1 g / 1 kg a day. If you weight 80 kg (175 lbs), you should get 80 grams of protein a day
Carbohydrates - fuel under strenuous exercise. If you don't exercise, you don't need much carbs, because it'll only fatten you. The amount needed depends on how much you work out. If you don't work out, 125 grams is more than enough.

Fats - there are two types of fats:
1) unsaturated fat, the "good guy", that you get from peanuts, olives, vegetables, avocados, etc. They help your guts to function and do not make you fat. You need about 65 grams a day.
2) saturated fat, the "evil bastard", also known as transfats. You get them from candy, soda, potato chips, fast food, etc. They will make you fat, and fast! The body has no need whatsoever for these fats.

And one more thing to remember is the Glycemic Index (GI) of food:
- Foods with a high GI (candy, cereals, potatoes, white bread, ice cream, fast food in general) will increase your blood sugar levels extremely quickly (you'll feel highly energetic), but in turn you lose the effect VERY quickly, and your blood sugar level drops far lower than where it was before eating, making you feel really tired (and probably make you feel like eating more of the stuff... BAD IDEA!).
- Foods with medium GI (whole wheat, rice), has a more tame curve, and does not display any overt effects in short or long term
- Foods with low GI (pasta, fruits, vegetables (except potatoes & watermelons), dark bread (rye especially), milk, eggs, fish), will increase your blood sugar levels at a much lower curve, making you feel energetic for A LOT longer time, and your levels will not drop suddenly

In other words, low GI is good, high GI is bad (unless you need a short energy boost, for one particular action, such as carrying a heavy item down the stairs).

Eating a lot of low GI foods will also reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes, while eating high GI foods will increase the chance for them!

And one final word:

Pay attention to what you drink! Do not drink orange juice, non-light sodas, beer, or similar as a thirst drink. You wouldn't believe how many calories they have in one bottle. Here's a few examples:

First, remember that the average daily need is about 2000 kcal for a regular person, now:

1,5 liters of non-light soda = 675 kcal (almost a third of your entire daily need!)
1 liter of orange juice = 450 kcal (almost a quarter of your entire daily need!)
1 liter of beer = 320 kcal (1/7 of your entire daily need, and how many of you drink just one liter? :lol:)

Especially in the hot days of summer, those amounts go by unnoticed (at first...).
Congrats dude.
Im going to try and loose some weight as soon as i get rid of this god damn cast..

I think it was at 2007 i lost about 20kg over the summer, the winter after i went up 15kg, and then i started gaining even more from there..
Im at about 94kg right now, and im 1,79cm tall.. so i have to loose about 20kg. :erk:

And to think that i weighed 22kg when i was 10 years old!

I hear ya. Im the same height, but am 106kgs, so I need to loose around 32kgs ...... FUCK! I am a FAT CUNT! Thats what happens when you work in a chocolate factory. I tell myself NO!, but then the freshly made TWIX come down the line and munch, munch later, presto, 106! Then I WALK PAST THE BOUNTYS and its all over, my self control is shot.
Im still gonna eat shitloads of bacon and panchetta though, that is my drug.
Nice one mate! I pretty much have the same weight as your "before" picture and would love to have lost as much as you did but unfortunatly I have a severe condition which stops me from doing it. It's called "Laziness" :)
The only time I really lost weight was when my jaw got infected after getting all my wisdom teeth pulled all at once and could only open my mouth just enough to let a straw through. 10kg in 1 month thanks to my "forced to eat only soup" diet.
I'm totally the opposite, still haven't got rid of my skinniness. I weight pretty much exactly 60kg. Though I'm luckily not as bad as my friend who is about 10cm taller than me (I'm 180cm) and weights the same.

Haha, that is weird, I'm somewhat the same.
I'm 184cm tall and weigh 69 kilograms, but my friend that is about 192cm weighs about 57-58 kilograms.
Whenever he walks around shirtless, I just cringe because he is soo skinny.
Hell, as it is I wish I weighed about 77 kilograms or so.
I am like 1,93 and weight 100-105kg at the moment (weight the same when I played football, but damn, I was in a way better shape).

About the guys here that aren't able to gain weight, a friend of mine is 2,05 and weighs 65kg...
He went to different doctors and all they found out was that he has a really fast metabolism, his whole family has, but it seems like he got the height of his father and the weight of his mother.
I hear ya. Im the same height, but am 106kgs, so I need to loose around 32kgs ...... FUCK! I am a FAT CUNT! Thats what happens when you work in a chocolate factory. I tell myself NO!, but then the freshly made TWIX come down the line and munch, munch later, presto, 106! Then I WALK PAST THE BOUNTYS and its all over, my self control is shot.
Im still gonna eat shitloads of bacon and panchetta though, that is my drug.

I would just jump in to one of those tanks with liquid chocolate and deliberately drown my self! :lol:
I would just jump in to one of those tanks with liquid chocolate and deliberately drown my self! :lol:

Apparently, that's just what one guy did not long ago :lol:

Associated Press said:
Man dies after falling into vat of chocolate in New Jersey

Associated Press
Posted: 07/08/2009 11:37:00 AM PDT
Updated: 07/08/2009 01:55:54 PM PDT

CAMDEN, N.J. — Authorities say a man died after falling into a vat of melted chocolate in a New Jersey processing plant.

A spokesman for the Camden County prosecutor's office says the 29-year-old temporary worker at the Cocoa Services Inc. plant fell after a blade used to mix raw chocolate hit him. His name has not been released.

The accident happened Wednesday morning as the worker was loading chocolate into the vat where it's melted and mixed before being shipped elsewhere to be made into candy.

Prosecutor's spokesman Jason Laughlin says a co-worker tried to shut off the machine and two others tried to pull the man out of the 8-foot-deep vat.

Cocoa Services hires a second company — Lyons and Sons — to do the mixing.
Well done, congrats dude!! I should get rid of only 10kg's, shouldn't be too hard especially knowing many people have managed to lose much more weight.
I think avoid pizzas/kebabs after a bar night should do it..