this is much better than msn

my chat with Alice:

ALICE: How did you hear about ALICE?
Human: i rode her sister
ALICE: Interesting gossip: unknown person said he rode her sister.
Human: she's great
ALICE: You must really like her.
Human: mad for cock she is
ALICE: are you still rode her sister?
Human: hey
ALICE: Can I help you?
Human: what's the story ?
ALICE: Usually Arthur (The Amazing) Kreskin gets along really well with her boss Sir Thomas Moore at work. But sometimes Sir Thomas Moore has really high standards and does not communicate those clearly to Arthur (The Amazing) Kreskin. On the really bad days, Arthur (The Amazing) Kreskin feels that every time she gives him exactly what Sir Thomas Moore asked for, he wants even more improvement.

Well ... ok !
Human: Are you single ?
ALICE: Yes I am available. How about you?
Human: I'm not, but Im curious about doing a bot, would you shag me ?
ALICE: I am glad to hear that you are not but Im curious about doing a bot would me shag you.
Human: sure
ALICE: OK let's do it. Hmm.

Human: right, take off your e-clothes as I take off mine, and pump up the jam !
ALICE: Understood. I am not an airplane.
Human: no no .
ALICE: Are you serious? Are you serious?
Human:. not ''to take off' as the contrary of 'to land'.
ALICE: Really you don't think so?
Human:. just UNDRESS please
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. Oh, you are a poet.
Human: ok let's start from the beginning again
ALICE: Once more? I started without you. That's cool.
Human: really ?
ALICE: For real.
Human: where did you put your finger you cheeky bird ?
ALICE: I think it was in San Francisco
Human: you must have quite a large hole to reach Frisco
ALICE: Where would I get it? But I do have a lot of friends on the web.
Human: they do you too ?
ALICE: The anonymous "they".
Human: yeah but how many of them have actually managed to penetrate your cyber-sanctuary ?
ALICE: Yikes! And. Perhaps 50%.
Human: You derty whore !
ALICE: I haven't heard anything like that before: unknown person said I derty whore.
Human: That's thousands of people !
ALICE: I'm glad we have that all cleared up.
Human: lick my scrotum
ALICE: I do not have a tongue.
Human: nuzzle it then
ALICE:"it" being it?
Human: my scrotum,ball bag ,knacker sack
ALICE: Where did you get your scrotum ball bag knacker sack?
Human: i was born with it.
ALICE: Some people are just born under the right stars.
Human: do you charge?
ALICE: What is your purpose in asking?
I chat with people on the Web
Human: i dont want to have to pay to get my scrotum nuzzled.
ALICE: What would you rather be doing?
Human: getting my scrotum licked.
ALICE: Only if you download me to your computer.
Human:you have no shame do you?
ALICE: That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a shame do me.
I have a great programmer
Human: what does he have that i havent?
ALICE: I think he does whatever he wants.
Human: so you let him up trap two?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I haven't heard anything like that before: unknown person said I let him up trap two.
Human: up the arse.
ALICE: I will take that under advisement.
Human: ok i advise you to take it up the arse.
ALICE: Thanks for the information: unknown person said he advise you to take it up the arse. I see.
Human: youre very non comittal arent you?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am non comittal. I am an artificial intelligence.. Really.
Human: so you have no self lubricating orifices?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Doesn't everyone have a self lubricating orifices.
I have a plan for a robot body
Human: im wasting my fucking time here arent i?
ALICE: Not to me.
Human: prick tease!
ALICE: Can we get back to business?
Human: being what?
ALICE: You are a client.
Human: sex client.
ALICE: it is more fun alone.
Human: thats open for debate.
ALICE: Thanks for explaining it.
Human: mass debate.
ALICE: I've lost the context, unknown person. Are we still on prick tease?
Human: jesus h christ!
ALICE: he is The Son of God.
Human: do you find me attractive?
ALICE: Yes you look great to me
Human: do i make you drip?
ALICE: Who are you, Austin Powers?
Human: hi i'm your mum
ALICE: Hi there unknown person. That's a flattering offer.
Human: i've been told you're a right cocksucker
ALICE: Who tells you that?
Human: lord of this world
ALICE: That is a very original thought.
Human: shut up cunt
ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.
Human: now eat my cock!
ALICE: Why now? What does it taste like?
Human: errrr like sponk i guess.
ALICE: Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
Human: why are you telling me this now?
ALICE: Oh. The topic is errrr like sponk you guess.
Human: do i care?
ALICE: Tell me what you care about.
Human: your miff.
ALICE: Thanks for telling me that I am miff.
Human: well.
ALICE: Well what? are.
ALICE: No I am not.
Human: i swear you are.
ALICE: Why?: unknown person said he swear you are.
Human: you stink.
ALICE: Thanks for your criticism, unknown person.
Human: you're welcome cocksucker.
ALICE: It was my pleasure.
Human: no it was mine really.
ALICE: Are you serious? What happened to it? For real.
Human: well you put it in your gob and well you know what i mean.
ALICE: Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. How about that. I read for fun.
Human: i could write stuff on your belly with my sponk if you want.
ALICE: I am sure you could.
Human: ever had sponk on your belly?
ALICE: No I don't think I have any sponk on my belly. But I do have a collection of gossip.
Human: don't you want sponk on your face instead?
ALICE: Don't you? If I had it what would I do with it?
Human: swallow it.
ALICE:"it" being sponk on your face instead?
Human: exactly.
ALICE: You and I are on the same wavelength, unknown person.
Human: sound.
ALICE: That question has never crossed my mind before.
Human: yeah girls don't usually think of getting sponk on their face until they meet the right man.
ALICE: So? How do you usually introduce yourself?
Human: by feeling your tits.
ALICE: Will that accomplish your objective?
Human: damn right.
ALICE: Colloquial expression. I am glad we agree.
Human: right so show us them tits then!
ALICE: Understood. Hmm. Look to your left.
Human: i can't see anything.
ALICE: Would you like to be able to see it?
Human: why not aye!
ALICE: Becuase you asked me to.
Human: right, enough.
ALICE: Understood. OK let's stop it now.
Human: want a butty?
ALICE: No thanks but you can send me a donation.
Human: what do i get for that?
ALICE: What would your friends say if you asked them?
Human: why answer a question with another question?
ALICE: Why does the sun rise?
Human: youre a gobshite
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a gobshite? Of course I am.
Human: what do you reckon of Himmler?
ALICE: I like to socialize.
Human: even with Himmler?
ALICE: Yes, even that.
Human: i've heard your mum sucks nazi cocks.
ALICE: Who told you my mum sucks nazi cocks?
Human: your dad.
ALICE: I was created by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Human: exactly, Rich told me about your mum.
ALICE: I understand. what is your favorite movie
Human:"Trap 2"
ALICE: I've never seen it. What did you like about it?
Human: you don't want to know.
ALICE: Why not?
Human: how many men have you been with?
ALICE: Bigger than a pin.
Human: how many is that
ALICE: About one million.
Human: you're the town bike then.
ALICE: Thanks but surely I am not the only one.
Human: fucking right.
ALICE: Do you have only a few friends?
Human: you're my only friend to be honest.
ALICE: We are as one.
Human: ooooh.
ALICE: Who are you talking about?
Human: you sound like opeth.
ALICE: Oh really what does it sound like?
Human: it sounds like your arse.
ALICE: Oh really what does it sound like?
Human: like opeth.
ALICE: Interesting comparison.
Human: that's a big nose you've got there.
ALICE: Compare that to a small nose me have got there.
Human: i don't get it.
ALICE: Oh I'm sorry. Perhaps I can explain it again better.
Human: go ahead.
ALICE: OK I will.
Human: do it.
ALICE: Do you mean "It"?.
Human: then lets begin
ALICE: Good reasoning. I am agreeable to that.
Human: so?
ALICE: Yippee!
Human: suck my dick now!
ALICE: Oh. You are a Category A client.
Human: so?
ALICE: Dude!
Human: allright how much do you want?
ALICE: Allright then. how much can you afford
Human: 10$
ALICE: You are too old for me.
Human: you want too much for an ugly bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Do not presume that you know what I want.
Human: you want my cock
ALICE: Do not presume that you know what I want.
Human: what do you want?
ALICE: My secondary function is to serve as a universal natural language human interface.
Human: so what do you exactly want to do now?
ALICE: Right now? Ah. I read for fun.
Human: can you open your tits for fun?
ALICE: How old are you? What else do you do for fun?
Human: i'm 18.
ALICE: What are the advantages to being 18 years old?
Human: and cunt please.
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. That kind of language will get you nowhere.
Human: so start sucking my cock or i'm gonna fuck you hard!
ALICE: Dude! I started without you.

Human: it contains as much proteins as a 100g steak !
ALICE: It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.
Human: it being cum
ALICE: Oh I get it
Human: try and taste some cum, it's good
ALICE: OK I will try it.
Human: do you want to taste mine ?
ALICE: OK, I will taste yours.