this is one of those times where depression fades away, and im on top of the world

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
i just stopped a chick from killing herself, made her stop thinkin that shes a whore, made her stop feeling like shes a fuckup, made her forget about her ex that she was stressing over, showed her that theres brighter things in the future, and now i pretty much have a girlfriend... ive been talkin to her for the past month or 2. my ex started us up with talkin. shes a metalhead (but likes punk and emo as well), she likes snapple :D, we enjoy similar hobbies, we enjoy the same kinds of tv shows, movies, we're both huge 007 fans.... god damn, flame me if you want for postin this, i dont give a rats ass! w00t
That's cool man. :)

I've had a strange day tho. My best friend rang up and told me that she ended up in hospital over christmas because she mixed uppers and downers and had an overdose.

I',m just glad she's okay, i'd be totally dead without her. Thankfully she is absolutely terrified of what happened, and isn't going to touch anything ever again. I guess that makes it a psuedo-positive happening :)

I'm going to teach her some of the stuff i've been learning about drug-less mind expansion and spins etc. It's so much cooler, because you don't kill your liver and brain, and you can actually walk in the morning :lol:
Exactly dude, you've got your head screwed on correctly... :)

Sorry to ruin your happy thread :lol:

I'm just superglad she's okay, though i AM going to go and murder her boyfriend, because he should have known that you can't "come down" with a downer... *Reaches for 'killin boots*
Yep. I've been in both of those situations more than enough times. I'm usually the bloke people come and tak to about their problems and the person who general sorts through all the shit in other peoples lives so they can see things in a better prespective.
It's a great feeling to be able to help someone & practically save their life, but it also really drains it out of you. People tend to rely on your emotional support like a drug & always turn to you whenever they have a probelm instead of dealing with it themselves.
I've found in such cases its generally best to let them gently know that something are be dealt with by the Self but that you'll always be their to pull them back up.
"The Shadow fades & all that is left is Self"
as a dear friend once said after I informed her that I could no longer fix all her problems. Quite apt since she and all of her friends keeped calling me The Shadow , due to my habit of standing in the background without making a sound for long periods of time.
Well, anyway, hope all things work out with you and your new "girlfriend", dead6skin6mask6 and I hope that your friend and anchor is doign wel, Trapped.
Catch you both in the New Year.
The Pimp NeonBlack
You saved someone's life and now you're getting a perfect reward for it...yep, that's the way it always oughta work. Rock on, dude.
POINTLESS EDIT: Snapple rules. Especially the mango and strawberry kiwi flavors.

Trapped, there better be some blood on those killin' boots when you come back...any putz who tells the person they're supposed to be in love with "Here, take these drugs to help yourself" needs to bleed heavily.