This is ridiculous..

They had a Re-enactment of slaves getting off the boats and marching through richmond last febuary...for black history month. The funny part was it was about 10 degrees and they were all wearing shit like loin cloths. Some good ol`boys kept yelling "send them back to africa!!" "Put them back on those boats!!"

just like this re-enactment of the lynching, it was fucking funny.
people need to learn how to focus on the present and let the past go.

black leaders [Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc...] make their money and their names from pushing misery and victimization. they dont tell the black community to be thankful for the advancements that have been made in this nation, as far as equal rights.
instead, they encourage them to beat the white community over the head with guilt, all in hopes of furthering their cause of reperations.

it's disgraceful and an injustice, not just to white Americans who are being forced to walk on eggshells for a past that most of them had nothing to do with, but also to the black community, who are being held back by feelings of entitlement and the 'poor me... i'll never get an even break' mindset of Jackson, Sharpton and friends.
That crime wasn't no lynching!

Lynching is when someone's dangling from a branch. The victims were dragged off and shot.

Why the fuck's some progressive shithead gotta lynch the English language and take possession of words so it can only mean one goddamn thing?

So Holocaust only means the mass murder of jews (genocide was lucky to escape that prison) and now Lynching only means the murder of blacks?

So, like, is it a lynching when a low-rider filled with Crips wear out a pair of Bloods on the corner of Harmony and Jackson in South Central?

How bout when Stacey Koons was playing bongos over Rodney King's upper spine with a flashlight?

Hawng said:
They had a Re-enactment of slaves getting off the boats and marching through richmond last febuary...for black history month. The funny part was it was about 10 degrees and they were all wearing shit like loin cloths. Some good ol`boys kept yelling "send them back to africa!!" "Put them back on those boats!!" just like this re-enactment of the lynching, it was fucking funny.

White Power!

White Power!

White Power!
SueNC said:
it's disgraceful and an injustice, not just to white Americans who are being forced to walk on eggshells for a past that most of them had nothing to do with, but also to the black community, who are being held back by feelings of entitlement and the 'poor me... i'll never get an even break' mindset of Jackson, Sharpton and friends.

too bad thats how the blacks really feel though. but it is true, blacks never get a break, its not like they own popular culture, the month of february, sports, the WB, mtv...
It's a fucking shame that the incident ever took place, but really...should we re-enact every unsolved crime or every crime that may have had racial motivation? Give me a been nearly 60 years. Why don't we re-enact the holocaust or the slaying of the American indians...or how about throwing some Christians to a dude in a lion costume. Maybe we can look forward to the Jean Benet Ramsey festival soon. Blah, blah, fucking blah...the world's a fucking mess...get on with it!