This is the real Fucking Heavy Metal

Lmao i just noticed that when it zooms into that one picture of him he is skinny, look at what a month of pokemon did to him...
Zygote said:
Lmao i just noticed that when it zooms into that one picture of him he is skinny, look at what a month of pokemon did to him...

I understand now Pokemon is Evil :lol: My mom was right :lol:

I wonder if are his/her parents with the rocket team costumes and he/she in the middle

Is a boy or a girl ?
Old Pokemon rulez. But after the second gen of Pok it went to the pits. I mean... Emerald Version? C'mon! Lets how the DS games are (although tey'll probably suck :yuk: ).

I want the Pikachu guitar. Although if I could get one of Totodile...:tickled:

PS: Did you notice that the guy of Team Roccket (James, right from the kid, our point of view), looks a little bit like Janne? I mean, just look at him! It's Janne without a beard!!!
Final_Product said:
anyone else finding themselves strangely drawn towards this video?

Me too... although it's because as soon as I saw it I wanted to beat the crap out of that kid...