Jaska Raatikainen vs. Bum: who is the best?

why are all the bums so good musicians.

Cause good musicians (who weren't born into rich families) devote all their time to their instrument, and if they make it big, they're set for life, if not,they're bums. Alexi would be just like that bum if he never made it. Playing AMAZING guitar while some asshole filmed it but he got nothing in return.
Isn't he that fag from Conan??

unlike you, most people know what the fuck they are talking about before they try to be cool and witty.

Max Weinberg is a fucking wicked drummer, and Conan is god.

unlike you, most people know what the fuck they are talking about before they try to be cool and witty.

Max Weinberg is a fucking wicked drummer, and Conan is god.

Ok, sorry... but to be fair, for those who have only seen him on Conan, which is a great fucking show btw :p he doesn't do a hell of a fucking lot, other than a few shitty beats and a bunch of dumb smiles when the camera pans to him.. Right?