this is what happens when you're not allowed to be the band-hitler anymore


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany

since my band started to have claims about my songwriting I really worked on my self. "That's too progressiv", "there's no chorus", "that's a verse?", "the song is only 30 seconds long", "the song is way too long".

I started getting frustrated about songwriting. I can write like 30 songs in a month as long as people let me do what I want to do. Since Nuclear blast invited us and that guy said something about our songstructure and that stuff my band is going nuts and started to think that we have to follow the "verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus"-rules. I'm not the dictator anymore :(

So I tried to write a song that has something everyone in the band likes. no 3/4 for our drummer. epic chorus for the bassplayer. verse-chorus-verse structure for our singer.

I thought this is going to be shit but I really think it turned out nicely. Ah yeah: first time I like a bassguitar I recorded!

No vocals though... sorry :)
Oh man, this is the track I heard the other day when I looked at your SC page from another thread. Sounds excellent dude, really dig it. Great riffage and nice tight playing by you sir! All I thought to myself was "wish I could get a band to work with that did shit like this" haha. Oh well...

Would like to snag that AD preset off of you though ;)

glad you guys like it :)

It's funny how my mixes sound different every time even when I'm using the same presets for drums and guitars.