This is why CHRISTIANS can go fuck themselves

Apr 3, 2004
FUCKEN CHRISTIANS. Its ok to ass rape little boys and cover it up,. Where the fuck do we live NAZI GERMANY. Now I really hope the fucken faggot pope dies.

LAMB OF GOD are being forced to step aside from one of their arena concerts on the upcoming Subliminal Verses Tour with SLIPKNOT, because of their name LAMB OF GOD and former moniker BURN THE PRIEST.

The venue, The Forum in Los Angeles, is owned by The Faithful Central Bible Church, who decided to impose a ruling to ban LAMB OF GOD's performance at their venue.

LAMB OF GOD have come off of several extremely successful headline runs through L.A. in the last year, so this move comes completely unexpected for the band and the tour as a whole. Los Angeles is, and has always been, a huge market for the band, building steadily with each one of their releases and tours as well as and exploding with the bands current CD, "Ashes of the Wake" (Epic).

In deciding to ban LAMB OF GOD's performance, The Faithful Central Bible Church are imposing on the public's freedom of speech, choice and assembly; the band's art along with the bands ability to conduct commerce.

Drummer Chris Adler commented, "The 'situation' in L.A. can only be described as ridiculous. It's already been a huge waste of energy trying to turn this around. The powers that be aren't interested budging — or doing their research apparently — and we've never been a band to placate anyone to get our way, smooth things over or make anyone feel better. They have made it clear that they don't want us because of our name, our show and our crowd — because of that ignorance, LAMB OF GOD is not being permitted to appear on the Subliminal Verses concert in L.A. It's truly a shame for the show overall, especially for our friends and fans in L.A. that are being forced to miss our part of the show. Trust that this was not our decision, we'd love to kick some ass in L.A., but apparently the word from the powers that be is that LAMB OF GOD is not the wholesome family fun that the good people of Los Angeles deserve."
They are welcome to play in my backyard instead if they feel like it... they might loose some (well a shitload of) cash but I promise to be a wild audience and mosh around.

But on a serious note, the church who owns the venue can decide who plays there or not. The reasons behind the ban of LoG seems "a bit" shady however, didn´t expect more from a bunch of narrow-minded people. I´d like to know how many from that church who listened to Priest och Twisted Sister-reccords backwards to find all the hidden messages. We non-religious only find the cheesy ones like "I want candy" and "mommy, it´s swimtime" while they find the cool "Natas are your lord", "Demons poisoned the Gipper" and "Give the ring to Frodo" ones.

But on the other hand... if there were no hidden satanic messages the parents to depressed suicidal teenages would have no one to sue when the kid gets daddys Remington and offs himself.

Arg_Hamster said:
They are welcome to play in my backyard instead if they feel like it... they might loose some (well a shitload of) cash but I promise to be a wild audience and mosh around.

But on a serious note, the church who owns the venue can decide who plays there or not. The reasons behind the ban of LoG seems "a bit" shady however, didn´t expect more from a bunch of narrow-minded people. I´d like to know how many from that church who listened to Priest och Twisted Sister-reccords backwards to find all the hidden messages. We non-religious only find the cheesy ones like "I want candy" and "mommy, it´s swimtime" while they find the cool "Natas are your lord", "Demons poisoned the Gipper" and "Give the ring to Frodo" ones.

But on the other hand... if there were no hidden satanic messages the parents to depressed suicidal teenages would have no one to sue when the kid gets daddys Remington and offs himself.


:headbang: .
I alway's got 'eat your dinner it's cold' well it sounded something like that :D .
Cant they play anywhere else in L.A ???
You're right, they can...and in a way, I can agree, if a specifically anti-american band wanted to play in a venue I owned in England, I might have a problem with that...I personally don't want to support hate of America. At the same time, the people making this decision are being a) stupid and b) assholes. a: As crypt said, see his sig. It's just going to defeat their purpose - they want to prevent a growth in teenage hatred of the church, they are going to do the opposite. b: Come on. Don't they have ANY comprehension of just how many of the kids there are into "satanism" PURELY as a way of feeling that they're rebelling against something? Of course they fucking do. They're taking advantage of that, and acting like every fucking stereotypical teenage parent that you've ever heard of. Lastly, as I said, they're taking advantage - they have a monopoly on the show, and they're abusing it.
Okay, I've seen both slipknot and LOG live. Slipknot uses all kinds of pentagrams and 666's in their live show, while LOG uses none of that. Why is slipknot acceptable to them while LOG is not?
@ Prime666 - religion, the one thing that sustained the knowledge lost after the fall of rome and gave rise to all the greatness of western civiliztion.
@ JohnnieCzech - I think that's an unfair generalization.
@ corpseripper - I don't get it either. I haven't read any LOG lyrics but could it possibly be that they lyrics of LoG lyrics are more openly hostile to Christianity, whilst Slipknot only has a couple songs that could be construed as Satanic?
I would like Christian rock/black metal 1 - if I liked black metal and 2 - if any Christian bands had talent. The only one I have liked so far is Illuminandi - they kick ass.
Sepsis said:
I would like Christian rock/black metal 1 - if I liked black metal and 2 - if any Christian bands had talent. The only one I have liked so far is Illuminandi - they kick ass.

Living Sacrifice was cool. There's a christian station here that plays black/death stuff all night long. Heard some cool stuff, but they hardly ever interrupt the music to tell you who you're listening to.
nik said:
:headbang: .
I alway's got 'eat your dinner it's cold' well it sounded something like that :D .

Hehe... playing stuff backwords is like treasurehunting, you never know what you´ll find!

Sepsis said:
@ Prime666 - religion, the one thing that sustained the knowledge lost after the fall of rome and gave rise to all the greatness of western civiliztion.

Personally I´d put trade on top of that list.

corpseripper said:
Living Sacrifice was cool. There's a christian station here that plays black/death stuff all night long. Heard some cool stuff, but they hardly ever interrupt the music to tell you who you're listening to.

Didn´t their guitarist start whoring for POD?