This is why I don't post on this board

Yes. But there was also a shift in personel at Elektra, metal was seen as a sore thumb by the mid 90s, and less promotion was given - one could argue it would be hard to have major label success with virtually no promotion. Though I would agree that Stomp just isn't up to par with any of the other Bush records.

Losing the 2nd record label was a result of the label itself going under. Not BECAUSE of Anthrax...the label was already on it's way out. The morons signed a shit deal and didn't realize it. The record label was bankrupt within weeks of Vol 8's release. And it wasn't Vol. 8 that bankrupted them - they clearly had issues from the getgo - for example, the version of the album released was the EDITED clean version ONLY. The regular version with all of the profanity intact wasn't released officially in the states until the reissue on Sanctuary in 2003. Though a promo copy did leak early on that was unedited. Maybe some of the import versions were fine, I'm not sure?

They never really lost their next label (as far as being dropped from a functioning label)...Beyond - they went under as well, and they had a lot of artists, reissuing albums, etc...Anthrax didn't pull them under with a greatest hits record and two reissues that took virtually no money to put together.

Then, they never really got dropped from the Sanctuary deal either. Sanctuary just started signing EVERYONE under the sun at this point (thus, spending less and less to promote each act, thus, sales of ALL of their records became disappointing. The decline was inevitable), and they went under too, just after the reunion with Joey.

Totally man. This has been well documented.