This Krallice record...

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Did you say BOUGHT?!:OMG:
I paid for it with real dollars. I could have stolen it quite easily though, since I was being the merch seller for the night. But I did the opposite of stealing, I gave them a $15 tip. Now I have 1$ to my name and live off two-week-old stale tortillas and raw oatmeal. (I know I could cook it...but oh well.) Yeah!
i would've bought it had colin not have had food poisoning the night i went to see them. colin was apparently curled up on a couch, puking all day and night in orlando and decided to cancel at the last moment. :(
i would've bought it had colin not have had food poisoning the night i went to see them. colin was apparently curled up on a couch, puking all day and night in orlando and decided to cancel at the last moment. :(

That's what he gets for being vegan.

Kra-lee-chay, yep. It's Spanish black metal.

PS: Yay for vegans! Poor Colin! Bummer you didn't get to see them. Might as well just steal Krallice now.
That's what he gets for being vegan.

Kra-lee-chay, yep. It's Spanish black metal.

PS: Yay for vegans! Poor Colin! Bummer you didn't get to see them. Might as well just steal Krallice now.

Not to nit-pick you Oregonians (and the band themselves?), but sounds more like an Italian pronunciation Kra-lee-che...if it was a typical Spanish pronunciation it'd be Krai-yee-ke...

...regardless I still need to check out their disc, not so easy south of the border w/o resorting to bootlegs/piratas or d/l-ing
I think I read that they made the word up initially and later discovered it was a Romanian object of some kind.

And Romanian, as a language, is basically a slurred combination of Italian, Spanish, and guttural clipped phonemes common to Eastern European languages.

So either/or guys.
i think there's a radio interview with Colin on the BtA myspace page, and he pronounces it 'kralliss'

but go with kruh-LEE-chay, that obviously sounds way more intelligent via its pomposity. especially if done in rasp-throated black metal voice.