Krallice- Krallice

in limbow

wobmil ni
Sep 9, 2005
United States
If you are a fan of black metal at all, you MUST hear this. Their first album, Krallice contains Mick Barr as well as some other people I'm forgetting... it's self-titled.
I think guaranteed to be one of the very best of 2008.
Has anyone heard this?
(If not, message me :))
I like it, though I didn't feel the hard on that many seem to share for it. It's good but in terms of best 08 bm release I'd say either A Forest Of Stars- The Corpse Of Rebirth or Coldworld- Melancholie² or if Enslaved counts then of course them. 07 bm>>>>>08. Though maybe I'm not looking in the right places as there was shit loads of top bm releases last year, both underground and from the major bands dso, wittr for example.
I've heard it....nothing really caught my ear. It's good compared to the shitloads of bm out there now. Maybe I haven't given it enough listens.
This is perhaps album of the year for me. If not, it's surely got the #2 spot.
I hear the Weakling influence, but they're definitely not a Weakling "clone" as many say. Simply put, this album fucking rules.

I like it, though I didn't feel the hard on that many seem to share for it. It's good but in terms of best 08 bm release I'd say either A Forest Of Stars- The Corpse Of Rebirth or Coldworld- Melancholie² or if Enslaved counts then of course them. 07 bm>>>>>08. Though maybe I'm not looking in the right places as there was shit loads of top bm releases last year, both underground and from the major bands dso, wittr for example.
I agree, Melancholie² is great...I've heard a bit of The Corpse of Rebirth and wasn't too keen on it, though I should give it another shot.