This may be crazy!!!!!!

But I am willing to bet if some of you said:
Hello my name is _________ I like these bands and I live here and I dig _______ Maybe just maybe this place would be alot more fun to come to for all of us,How about we all act like freinds?
Just an idea..........
I will start.
Location:Oklahoma City
What I do:Owner of Rapture Radio
Bands I like:Hatebreed/Opeth/Darkthrone/Soilwork/And an endless amount of other bands
Hobby:Having sex with porn stars but since that never happens........sleep
Pet Peeve:Being Ignored :hotjump: (Gets me jumpin hot!)
Fav board memeber:Angry Dave (I just love the name)And Manastov becuase I love her.
Ok something like that would be awesome and a picture would be nice! :wave:
Hello im Lee Jones from South Wales in the UK, im 31 and im a guitarist with the band Blood Retch.
I fucking hate lots of things but mainly its stupid assed fuck wits with no brain.
Here are some pics you may/may not i give a shit......NO

Location:Oklahoma City
What I do:Webmistress of Rapture Radio and go to school
Bands I like:Hatebreed/Opeth/Soilwork/Arch Enemy/As I Lay Dying/Unearth/The Haunted/Pig Destroyer/etc etc etc
Hobby: I'm a computer nerd, so anything having to do with a computer
Pet Peeve:Being Ignored
Fav board memeber:wes, cinflames,bloodretch, i like all you guys!!!!!
Name: Cindy
Age: old
Location: Southern California
What I do: Co-owner of Rapture Radio, work at JoAnn's Fabrics, attend lots of metal shows!
Bands I like: In Flames, Children of Bodom, Symphony X, Dragonlord, Diadem, etc, etc....
Pet Peeve: Watered-down root beer
Favorite color: purple
Hobbies: Quilts, wearable art (see below)
Type of car I drive: Kia Sportage
Pets: Calli (calico cat), Murtle the Turtle

Where have all the crazy people gone.........EEK
Hey Wes the forum has really taken off, just what you wanted bud.
How many venues do you help find bands for Wes, the reason im asking is we may be coming over to the USA next year to do a few gigs, IF you have any venues in mind please get in touch with me.

Location: Los Angeles
What I do: Go to school to study music, and I do commercials for RR, play in a band called Diadem
Bands I like: Blind Guardian, Freedom Call, Amon Amarth
Hobby: playing music
Pet Peeve: ignorance
Fav board memeber: cinflames
diadem said:
Location: Los Angeles
What I do: Go to school to study music, and I do commercials for RR, play in a band called Diadem
Bands I like: Blind Guardian, Freedom Call, Amon Amarth
Hobby: playing music
Pet Peeve: ignorance
Fav board memeber: cinflames

Diadem r cool
:) :) :) :)
Location: San Diego
What I do: Work in a library, and take library science courses, play guitars and drums, listen to lots of music, play lots of video games
Bands I like: Opeth, Asmegin, Dark Tranquillity, Emperor, Einherjer, Finntroll, Ayreon, Tenhi, Arcturus, Solefald, Borknagar,
Hobby: play drums in a band (diadem), write and compose music at home
Pet Peeve: people to short to play metal, just kidding anthony :Spin:
Fav board memeber: cinflames, it would have been diadem, but he is to short :rock:
If some of you are waiting for this....

name: Twan Sibon
country: The Netherlands
age: 36 (yeah yeah)
gender: male 100% straight
status: married and two kids
owner: BRUTALISM (
hobby: metal 24/7 in every possible way
sport: thai boxing (currently 6 stichtes in the eyebrow along with a blue eye)
car: Alfa Romeo 156 (black of course)
addiction: metal, tattoos, sex (see gender)
work: graphic design

and if you wanna know more just send me an email