Dont care if it's popular

It has come to my attention that many many people including those who have said to be supportive of Rapture are actually very anti-Rapture.
Let me spell this out quite clearly for everyone.
If you dont like it here or if you dont like the station LET ME SHOW YOU THE DOOR MUTHERFUCKER. .
Aparently one of the things most disliked is the fact I am hard to deal with.
Ansd let me once again explain this as I have many many times before and this is important for those of you new here.
I am NOT popular I am Very Disliked in the Metal World.
Let me tell you why I WILL NOT BEND!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to say what I want when I want and I am going to stand by it,If you are looking for someone to placate you their are plenty of stations out there for you.You want someone to ignore you and feed you the same bullshit everyone else will feed you nice knowin ya!
If you want to be a part of this then you better get used to my frame of mind because it is not going to change.
I dont want a pat on the back I dont want anyone to say Wes rules I want people here who beleive in what Rapture is about.
Stand up speak your mind and stick by it
The phrase SPEAK THE TRUTH AND DONT GIVE A FUCK has been re-issued here at Rapture!
One last thing if you are a pussy and dont have the balls to stand up and tell me your problem then just shut the fuck up and dont go crying to your freinds because your freinds tell me everything you say (Oooopsie!)
Record Labels/Bands/Zines and anyone else who works with Rapture know first and formost you are who I stand for and will not let anyone give you shit and that goes for the listners (FAMILY!)If you are with me I will stand for you till the end!
I will no longer promote Rapture on forums I will no longer be subjected to the idiots who are out there I will continue to do the very best I can to make the best station I can and let YOU do the talking for me and if that fials then I fail.But I have a feeling it wont.
Thanks to those of you who supprt and you know who you are!
And those who done I KNOW WHO YOU ARE,BYE NOW.
And from Vanessa at Revolation Records:
wes, darling,

i always say, mess with the bull and you get the horns. but now im
going to start saying, mess with the bull and you get the wes!

i'm glad it says in my file, "wes is the nicest!" because your email
was scary :)

good luck dealing with all the bastards out there.
so many bastards, so little time...

Fucking right on brother, You just gotta love Wes he speaks his mind & dont give a toss.....thats fucking METAL.
Wes i feel you are doing everything and more to create a safe haven for un-signed bands & a good radio station also.....Blood Retch stand tall next to you, at all our gigs we give out Rapture Radio flyers, I KNOW you would do it for us.
You have assisted my band in so many ways its hard to express & even harder to thank you.
We will continue to annoy people & we will continue to spam the fuck outta people until they take notice (apart from killing some dick, fuck, asshole, mother fucker in the name of Rapture Radio.......oohhh the headlines, imagine the headlines)
Ok im stoned and tired so im gonna stop ranting & im off ta bed.