This rap group made a song about our favorite metal amp!


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY

I have no idea what they are talking about other than i just hear

fiffttyy onee fifftty fiffty oone fiffty fiffttyy onee fifftty fiffty oone fiffty fiffttyy onee fifftty fiffty oone fiffty

i lold
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Well.. 5150 is when you confine someone who might be dangerous to either them selves or others, which sort of became some kind of trademark for Van Halen for to me unknown reasons. ;X
But yeah, that was indeed terrible.

does any one else think the beat sounds a lot like this?
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meh, they failed to scare me. Also, I think they should sell some of that garbage they have on them and invest in a better place to live. Looks silly to hold all that up with that background.