Sick of the whole war thing actually, it didn't have to be this protracted....
Still, my support for our troops there has never faded.
While I don't seriously condone urinating on enemies, they could have done much worse. If only the same civility expectations were expected of the insurgents, as they are for the allied forces......
Members of the US military rape, kill, rob, torture, etc. etc and face the UCMJ charges that will be leveled against them by their superiors. Face jail time, be dishonorably discharged from their job and be treated like a criminal every time they apply for any type of job, because they have to admit it on their employment applications.
All Humans are base animals, prone to cruel, petty, stupid acts - Americans are no different.
What makes us a LITTLE different is what is described in the above paragraph. Similar to the Abu Graib fiasco, this episode of disrespectful idiocy has been investigated, the Marines have been identified, and it is now up to the USMC to decide what they'll do.
It has been 20 years since I went thorugh OCS and TBS in Quantico with the Corps, and I cannot imagine anyone coming out of that environment thinking that this kind of thing would be tolerated. Then again, as earlier posts have pointed out, the U.S. Military has not been utilized in the best way over the past few decades by our political leaders. While I deplore instances such as this, I recognize that the longer we continue giving our military men and women conflicting mission statements in prolonged theatres without clear objectives, crap like this will continue.